Web Cam or No Web Cam?

Do you think Cedar Point should add a few web Cams around the park that will opperate only douring their opperating season. Kind of like what the Islands Of Adventure has? I think it would be kool to spy on someone riding a roller coaster, sitting on a bench etc. What do you think? Remember that it will not be for showing you the construciton of Millennium Force, even though that would be kool to zoom in on one of the workers or a support or a piece of track or... *** This post was edit by MillenniumMan_2000 on 11/28/99. ***
I think that the point needs a new webcam, just like the one at Islands of Adventure. It would be cool if they placed a few around the park during the operating season so you could see what was happening at the park. That would be cool to spy on the people and stuff!

"Any day, is a great day, to ride a rollercoaster!"
They need 5. One on the Power Tower. One on the Space Spiral. One the break run of the Mantis. One on top of the Magnum. And one on the top of the Mantis.
Gemini's avatar
I'd be happy with a single, regular web cam (no remote control) pointing down the midway towards the Raptor from Sky Ride East. Other possible places: shooting from the Breakers toward the boardwalk and beach or on the Main Arcade towards Power Tower.
Gemini must be delirious these days! LOL

Duane Cahill
Cedar Point - One small part of a whole big life.
Well there doing better than usual, we already have found four.

Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight
I like the ones they have already, but it would be nice to have one going toward Soak City/Challenge Park, the beach, and back toward the main entrance -- different camera angles to essentially give you a view of the entire park (different cameras, of course!). Hopefully, we will see more to come.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
Yeah, geez Gemini! What were you thinking?! :)

...considering he posted that 20 months ago...:)
Step back and think about this for a second. If they want to have a webcam why not have one that could do US a favor. Why not have a webcam ontop of the old tram tower in the middle of the parking lot. There is already a security camera there now but if we had a webacm that could be moved 360 degrees we could really tell how crowded the park is and if it would be worth driving out!

daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 519
"All I see is water"

Dan that is the EXACT reason they DON'T have a camera on the tower in the parking lot..."They" want you to drive out regardless of the crowd...Isn't it always worth the drive anyhow?
More cams. You can never have enough cams. One on the Force I think is an obvious one but what do I know.

Next trip to CP on July 25th - 28th!
can someone please post the links for all cams now?
as i only have the 2 from official site.

"An English Gentleman does it with a stiff upper lip"
AIM : leeben666
ICQ: 30610039
ShiveringTim did it here:

Next trip to CP on August 25th - 26th!

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