we want to stand on the Midway next Saturday and wave at some friends of ours and knowing EXACTLY where it is would help us immensely.
thanks inadvance, and yes, we ARE crazy!!
not to be confused with Tservo...returns to CP 10/18 to 10/20!!
And in response to your question, the cam is on top of one of the game booths. Just look up on top, you should be able to see it. (Or I was looking at a security cam or something...)
Tommy Penner - Variable X
Cedar Point FanBoy since 2001. || Cruiser Boy since 2002.
"Pessimistic people are the happiest people on the planet. They're either right or pleasantly surprised."
not to be confused with Tservo...returns to CP 10/18 to 10/20!!
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