tell me what you think of it.
Rides on Top Thrill Dragster as of 10/14/03 = 33 :)
Number of rollbacks = 1 on the 23th of July
I am Carsten16 but had to change sn so I have been a member since 2002
*** This post was edited by Ohiocoasterman18 10/17/2003 1:46:12 PM ***
HW 2K3: 4
2003 Stats: Top Thrill Dragster: 16
Magnum XL-200: 63
35 trips to the Point
I would like one of the cams on the Soak City contsruction also, but leave at least cam1 or cam2 on TTD for one more season. :):);)
*** This post was edited by cp&le rr guy 10/18/2003 3:10:46 PM ***
Werewolf Canyon: it's a lot like shopping for a christmas tree. Only, with werewolves.
"Welcome back riders, how was your ride?"
Dragster:2 MF:7 ID:2 Mantis:4 MS:5 Screw:11 DT:3 WT:2 BS:1 Raptor:4 WC:1 WE:0 JrG.:0 Gemini:12 CCMR:1
XL 200:20
Also I am going to add that on the ground webcam is what lookes to be dragsters train. There are still some on the track but they are taking them down. It is right in front of the dragster station. I think is what they are going to do is inspect all the trains then they are going to put them on the track sooner that other coasters and them start working out the bugs. What do you think?
Here is a webcam image of that one too.
All Season Totals for Dragster 37 rides:)
Number of rollbacks = 1 on the 23th of July
Number of trips to CP this year was 27 times!
I am Carsten16 but had to change sn so I have been a member since 2002
Closed topic.