Water and All Season Cups

So apparently it's a new policy that the all-season cups can no longer be filled with water at the food stands. Anyone else encounter this? It's actually odd to me that the park is getting so strict with water. Drive three hours to Kings Island and there's water refill stations everywhere that promote the use of refilling cups. Yea you could use a water fountain but why the change? They already got their money for the cup...

XS NightClub's avatar

Unless it happened more than once at different stands, I'd guess you ran into to one of the famously poorly trained CP food workers.
(However, Kings Island has the worst food service on the planet at their 'quick' service restaurants)

Why would the park care if they added sugar and food coloring to the fizzy water they are putting in the cup. It actually costs them less.

Last edited by XS NightClub,

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Gatekeeper2013's avatar

Hey! Poorly trained CP food workers are great! They gave me a drink with my all season dining plan even though I wasn't supposed to get one lol.

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