what will the wait times be about on the friday the 20th?? that is the only time i will be able to go there.
Duane may know what the crowds are going to be like on Monday, June 5th 2006, but he doesn't know what the crowds are going to be like on Friday. Do you know why? There aren't going to be any crowds because the park is closed then.
I think they are going to close it, because they got tired of too many inconsiderate, and demanding people to know weather the crowds will be big or small.
If you don't believe me ask The Lemon Chill Guy (I've always wanted to say that)!
Former name was B-Town
Anyone got an extra Magic 8 Ball? I dropped mine damn it.
All I have to say is anyone can make a guess but no one can ever be sure. We are not Miss Cleo's here. Please stop asking.
MF Count: 19
First CP Rollercoaster: Corkscrew
There is a very helpful post here:
http://www.guidetothepoint.com/thepoint/cpplace/thread.asp?ForumID=1&TopicID=5515 But in a nutshell.....Friday's are usually more crowded
Ms. Cleo predicts a seven hour wait for Corkscrew, 9 hour wait for Demon Drop, 15 hour wait for Mantis, and a walk on for The Force.
If you ever need me, I'll be at The Elephant Ear stand, or on Mean Streak.
Well I had a similar post to say what the crowds would be like friday but it was deleted.Which was stupid cause it would have answered this question.
There which I know of are 3 corporations going One I know is ball metal a regular friday line prolly say 2 hours for raptor 3 for mf and the usual for the others.
MF 4
Magnum 12
CedarPoint!, I don't think MF's line will get to 3 hours long. Theres also a spell check feature at this site, USE IT!
Former name was B-Town
*** This post was edited by Alex Parks on 7/15/2001. ***
Hey Alex don't tell me what to do...And also my spelling isn't really that bad I come here to post about Cedar Point not spelling.Thank you
MF 4
Magnum 12
You people really need to chill with the smartass remarks. You give Cedar Point people a poor image. Most of you have probably been a number of times on a Friday in July and could probably give an overview your experiences and what kind of crowd to expect. Of course weather will affect everything. Myself, I was there last Friday and waits were minimal. Raptor was a virtual walk on, MF 20 minutes, Magnum walk on, and the weather was perfect. I have been a number of Friday's in July in the past and crowds are usually not bad, especially in the evening. Hope this helps.
CedarPoint!, I'm sorry that I said that, I wasn't trying to be rude. I just want it to be easier to read next time.
Sorry again.
Former name was B-Town
Argghhh, I hate conflict... let's just stop with the personal battles and answer the question... (once again)
It is extremely difficult to predict the waits for a certain day. There are just too many factors going into how many people will be at the park (the biggest being weather). However, we do know general information, like that July and August are the most crowded months, and Friday is probably the second-most crowded day of the week. And no, MF's line will never get to 3 hrs, unless there are mechanical problems. End of story.
"Vote early and vote often"
Closed topic.