Vital Statistics

The official website has just changed its news release story to a link on the link bar above the webcam's page.
yep thats cool i guess

let me off here!!!!

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Am I the only person to notice the factual error on the "vital statistics" page?

(Note: I emailed CP about it, so it may be fixed). It's a mathematical error caused by someone forgetting something very important about the Millennium Force train...

--Dave Althoff, Jr. *** This post was edited by RideMan on 3/9/00. ***
RideMan, That is subtle, I had to look at it a couple of times and get out a calculator, but they are definitely in error. Good eyes.

Chris DeFouw
White Water Landing Crew '87
Jeff's avatar
And for those of us too lazy to go look the error is...

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
ShiveringTim's avatar
The trains don't have 24 wheels per coach. We know that each wheel assembly
has six wheels: 2 road, 2 upstop, 2 guide. 24 per coach implies that each
has 4 wheel assemblies. The problems is that only the lead coach has 4
assemblies. The other 8 coaches have only 2 assemblies per coach.

So doing simple math...
(8 coaches * 2 assemblies * 6 wheels) + (1 lead coach * 4 assemblies * 6
wheels) = 96 + 24 = 120 wheels per train. They got the 216 figure by simply
multiplying 24 by 9.

My guess is that someone in PR or Marketing took a look at the blue lead car
and made some incorrect assumptions. I would also like to point out that
only coaster enthusiasts going thru withdrawal would notice this :)

Scott W. Short

Well, for what it is worth, the error has been corrected. --Dave Althoff, Jr.
Do you guys think that every peice of track really weighs 11,000lbs to 17,000lbs? I beleive it with most parts, but hen about the track peices coming into the station. Those arent as big as the others jugging by Jeffs pictues.
What about each train weighing 19 TONS!!!!! Does that sound right?

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