Video download size

Jeff's avatar
Point fans... I'm re-encoding some of the video clips I have, including the old promo and the MF POV. My question to you, is how big is too big for a file size? There's no way I'm going to be posting any 25MB files, but how much is too much?

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with 25MB files, so I can't really judge. Sorry.

How dare you vanquish the Steel Phantom without his consent? Fear the Phantom's Revenge.
Too much? I'd say maybe about 15-19 MB. You could zip them however. Although not everyone has winzip or another program of the like.

We bought a lifetime supply of pudding? How wasted were we last night?!
*Dude, Where's my car?*
It doesn't matter to me. I will just leave the internet on while I am at school.

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
Anything over 7MB, get's downloaded at work direct on a T1 or LAN is much faster there. So it really doesn't matter to me.

Pittsburgh, PA
Jeff's avatar
I was able to get a pretty good looking result of the Magnum POV at 320x240x15 under 6 MB. I also got a 160x120x15 around 1 MB, but it looks a bit blurry in a lot of places. The best file I got was the 160x120x30 around 12 MB. Wow does that look nice, even sized doubled! The real tough spot on that clip is the bunny hops, because there is so much detail there (this is before Soak City, so there are lots of cars and the campground).

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
YEah, I have a dial-up modem, and I'd say about 12-13 should be the limit.
somewhere between 3-6MB. with my super fast 56K modem here, I don't download much over that.

2000 Raptor Flights: 246
2000 Force Rides: 106
CP pics:
I know it may sound like more work, but I've seen some places who have two downloads to choose from. A smaller file for a dial up connection and a larger, file for higher speed connection's. That way you can choose how long you want to wait and how good of resolution you get. I'm not sure how it would work with the bandwidth and everything here.


*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 1/27/2001. ***
Just as long as I can use my download manager (reget or getright) and can resume a download, it doesn't matter to doesn't matter to me (just as long as I can resume the file)

Mike McCormack
Cedar Point '00
Force: 5
Raptor: 8
Magnum: 1
Lifetime Coaster Count: 36
Video? What's video? I can get video?

You guys with even a 56K modem make me jealous.

Attached to my modem port, I have two tin cans and a string...

Duane Cahill
This space for rent
I have a 28.8--It takes a good 45 minutes at Napster!
AHH The advantages of staying at the dorms. I don't how fast the netowrk is but I can Download a song from napster in 1-2 minutes
AAAAAAAAAHHHHH. At home, the advantage at having a cable modem. Napster songs take about 30 sec to 2 min.
Jeff's avatar
OK, here's my strategy...

First off, I've settled on two formats for various reasons. Windows Media (streaming) is one, because the server software is on my server anyway, it's available for PC and Mac, it looks damn good, and I can encode one file that adjusts to your connection speed.

The other format is QuickTime, which can quasi-stream (HTTP) without server software, looks fabulous at that 12 MB threshold, and it can be downloaded for keeps.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 50
You should have a dial-up version for the 56Kers and a broadband version (for people like me hehe).
I really don't care how big it is. Heck why not make it 800x600x30 so we can see it full screen.

Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
With the quicktime download, you can enlarge the window almost the whole screen.
True, but it doesn't look that good. I'm talking about a video that is encoded with an 800x600 screen size; so that it looks great at that size.

Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP

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