VertiGo Feedback

I am looking for some general feedback from those of you who have taken a ride on VertiGo.  I would love a description of what this ride is really like and what it feels like on each of the three different "riding experiences." 

Also, would you say that VertiGo is scarier than the RipCord?

Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
It was a "good" ride and I did like it but my experience was a bit tainted by too much hype leading up to it. Big Bang and a touch of cosmic flip were my choices for that day. The best way to describe the experience is a PT ride without all the restraints and your flipped into different angles as well as you have free movement.. I will post some pics later this week of myself and some Magnum freak...

The next time I ride I will be more open to the experience itself rather that trying to compare it to others hype. Thanks Dan..hehe :-)

Oh and as of now I would rather do ripcord...

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

*** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 8/27/2001. ***

I agree with Jeffrey Spartan.  It had to much hype.  There also wasn't much feel to the ride.  It almost seems like it shouldn't be a Challenge Park ride.
Jeff's avatar
Power Tower with a giant jock strap holding you in... there's my description.

What I think a lot of people expect is Space Shot-like forces applied to your body. However, you really don't get much of any forces applied to your body, and I think that's the point. It's about as close to flying as you're going to get.

Watch my grass grow:

I agree, its Power Tower without something to really hold onto.  It looks scarier than it is, and believe me, I was scared at first.  But the ride is over so quick, that it is hard to really enjoy it, or be scared of it.

I did the cosmic flip which pulls you up in the air upright, and then when you get to the top, the seat flips forward, leaving you upside down, feeling like a form of a free fall.  I loved the ride, but the don't believe the hype.  Just ride it and enjoy it.  The price is reasonable.

Big Bang is the best riding style. We did Cosmic Flip first, and, while we did love the sensation, we were kind of thinking along the lines of you guys (not up to the hype). But then we came back and did Big Bang and Big Bang Plus (the new 4th option) and changed our minds: this was one of the best rides ever built. Sure it's short, but if you get the ops to fasten you in very loosely and you do one of the Big Bangs, you will see that it is a great ride.

Former name was B-Town

Im going tomorrow and Sunday.  What is the Big Bang and Big Bang Plus?
Big Bang is when you are flipped forward just after launching, and you stay that way for basically the entire ride.  (so you have that "flying sensation" the whole time)

Big Bang Plus, also known as Absolutely Insane to some, was just recently added - like Big Bang, you are flipped forward just after launching, but at the top the seat flips backward, back to an upright position.  This gives a LOT of negative g's and gives the sensation that you are going to fly out of your seat.


Which do you think is better?

MF count: 20

I personally like Big Bang better.  The aspect that makes VertiGo so exciting is when the seats are in the 150-degree forward position, because that is when it truly feels like you are flying.  Big Bang gives the most of this aspect, and thats why I like it best.  I say #1 is Big Bang, #2 is BB Plus, #3 is Cosmic Flip, #4 is Hot Rocket.


Are the rides still 10 bucks a pop, or have they dropped?

MF count: 20

Still 10 bucks each... :(

I think they should have a discount if you are doing more than one ride on it.

VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 28

They now have a combo pass that lets you ride Vertigo and Ripcord.  Im not sure of the exact prices, but the discounts looked to be about $5 a person or so.
P>ouble are Special - Ripcord and VertiGo/P>
P>Single Rider - $35BR>ouble Rider - $25 eachBR>Triple Rider - $20 each/P>
TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 width="95%" align=center border=2>
TR bgColor=#ffff66>
T class=text colSpan=2>
IV align=center>SPAN class=text>B>FONT color=#000000 size=3>ouble are Special* FONT size=2>BR>(RipCord and VertiGo)/B>/SPAN>/IV>/T>/TR>
T class=accent_reg>SPAN class=text>Single Rider:/SPAN>/T>
T class=accent_reg>SPAN class=text>$35.00/SPAN>/T>/TR>
T class=accent_reg>SPAN class=text>ouble Rider:/SPAN>/T>
T class=accent_reg>SPAN class=text>$25.00 each/SPAN>/T>/TR>
T class=accent_reg>SPAN class=text>Triple Rider:/SPAN>/T>
T class=accent_reg>SPAN class=text>$20.00 each/SPAN>/T>/TR>/TBOY>/TABLE>/P>
P>----------------- BR>Steuks!! BR>VertiGo flights: 4 BR>MF: 28/P>

*** This post was edited by Majin Heero on 9/2/2001. ***

Since that post got screwed up, I'll say it again:

Double Dare Special - Ripcord and VertiGo

Single Rider - $35
Double Rider - $25 each
Triple Rider - $20 each

VertiGo flights: 4
MF: 28

Vertigo freaked me out. I have never been so terrified on a ride in my entire life....and I immediately rode it 18 more times(during MM, when it was free).I can't stop talking about it......really scary....for our last ride of the night, the guy says "you guys have been here all night, now  I'm gonna give you some serious air"  after he fastened our bolts, he says "two notches" and laughed like was for the Big Bang, and let me tell you, the tip of the banana seat was  crawling up the small of my back, and I was so scared I couldn't even yell.....and not being able to stay in your seat thing at the end had me laughing hysterically. I love that ride and recommend it to everyone....a real scream machine....

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