I wrote a database for (as far as I could research) all US amusement parks. I wound up with 266 total. The db can be found at memoware.com (not my site). Click on "Travel" and you'll see the link for the directory.
To access the db, you'll need to have MobileDB or MobileDB lite (freeware), which is available at handmark.com (also not my site).
Just something that I put together for my own amusement (pun intended) that I thought I'd share with the GP.
This is also posted on CoasterBuzz, but I'm aware that several of the GTTP'ers don't necessarily cross-post/read CoasterBuzz. Since I'm a more active member here than there, I figured I'd toss this out. If the powers that be deem it to be off-topic, no sweat.
Duane Cahill
Coasterbuzz Track Record - 58
CP Track Record - 13 (too tall for Jr. Gemini)
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