Upcoming Trip - some basic questions

I'm new to GTTP, but a CP fan for....let's just say quite a few years. I've been hooked on the forums since I read Duane Cahill's trip reports (I believe that was in June). It was so cool to find all you other addicts!

I will be at CP August 6-7 for the 3rd time this year. My husband tolerates my addiction. He's actually quite a good sport about it. Thankfully my 6 year old is 48" and tall enough for all but 3 rides. He's been on MF 8 times, thanks in part to his Mom's "problem", and CP's wonderful "Parent Swap Policy". I can hardly wait until my 4 year old is 48" - we'll all have season passes then. (Even though we live 3.5 hours away.)

ANYWAY, here are my (basic) questions:

1. When you refer to a best seat as "5-1" I assume that means the 5th car - and the "1" would be the first seat you come across as you enter the car. Is this right?

2. Do the CP people have no problem with you parking in the regular lot, and then walking to the marina gate? (We would be looking to do this with 9 people.)

3. I've just had laser surgery on my eyes. The Dr. wants me to wear sunglasses or goggles when riding roller coasters next week. When at CP I've worn contacts in the past - and paid no attention to what folks who wear glasses do. If you don't have a "safety strap" thing on your glasses, do they make you hold them? Worst case I'm thinking I'll just get some racquetball type goggles. (How attractive would that look though?!! I'd have to hide my face when we fly by the cameras!)

Thanks for helping out a new GTTPer!

(Go Spartans!)

Welcome to GTTP, I can help ya out I think....

1. "5-1" fifth car, first row

2. Nope they don't have a problem with that at all, just watch out for the traffic.

3. Certain rides like Millennium Force and Power Tower you have to have a strap on your glasses to be able to wear them. I am pretty sure those are the only two rides but I would still wear it on the other rides, don't want to lose your glasses.

Hope I helped.

~Chip Force
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
1. Look at the back of the Coasters..Most are numbered and you'll see the scheme..Basically left to right...

2. They have no problem with you parking in the Main lot and walking to the Marina Gate

3. As long as you have the safety strap you should be fine on MF..the others you won't even need the strap but their particular on MF...

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity! *** This post was edited by Jeffrey Spartan on 7/29/2001. ***
Hmm...I was never forced to do anything with my glasses on any ride but Power Tower; and seeing that my vision is still ok it wasn't a problem.

Anyways, my glasses have NEVER even come close to falling off on any ride....but that might be because my glasses stay on very well (don't know why but they do :))
Thanks for the info!

I can't imagine that any glasses I've ever owned would stay on my head while riding MF. Kind of ironic that I have this eye surgery so I don't have to deal with glasses or contacts - and now I have to make sure I get glasses to stay on my head while on a coaster.

I should have had the surgery in the off-season.
Hehe, actually I rode MF 3 times one day and never used my glasses strap, and they never asked me to. It really won't make them come off. Prescription glasses are lighter and fit very well, they don't easily come off.
On Power Tower though they took them off of me.
Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight
Yeah, my prescription glasses fit so snugly I highly doubt they would come off on the power tower, which I am guessing would knock them nicely. Worse case scenario...go to one of the gift shops (no clue which one any more) and you can get either the "cool" ones which I got a long time ago, or the uncool ones :) Either way they are overpriced but are only a couple of bucks.
you never know with glasses whether they'll stay on or not. Ask Rob about his....
When we rode the Space Shot on PT, a ride op made someone in my party leave their sunglasses in the storage section (the shelves)
Brian Z.
Assistant Webmaster
Kennywood Park Unlimited
Sun glasses usually should be taken off on any coaster, since they don't fit the same as precriptions.
Kerry - Bright Man of the Elite Eight

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