Yes I am one of the lucky people who have managed several laps on MF since its opening (and even before that technically with AAA Day!)
And despite TTR (which I managed to dodge completely) occasional break downs and just tons o'people I got 3 more MF laps in bringing my count to 51!
The most awesome thing was 1st ride of the day was in the FRONT car-AWESOME way to start my day!
Last ride was way after dark-AWESOME!
What a rush and aint sick of it yet!!!
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
So, your MF count exceeded your Raptor count??? This, in addition to Dan contemplating a coaster other than Magnum for his #1 spot, is beginning to make me wonder...
Pittsburgh, PA
MF Count 14 :)
I have ridden it twice so :-P
Millennium Force Rides:2
Magnum XL-200 Drop:3
I'm at 51 on the Force, 71 on Magnum. Then again if you think about on this date compared to last year I have gone to the point 20 times LESS than I have last season, that makes a big difference.
daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
On my way there guys!
My 3 day coaster tour begins with PKI(Beast,Son of BEast)CP on Monday(MF here I come!!) then SFO on Tuesday(Superman:UE)What a week!