i bought a really cool rollercoaster book last week,but as i looked thrue it,i noticed that they had a picture of the demon drop in the back.so upon further investigation i noticed that it was not a picture of the demon drop.it looks very simuler to the demon drop,but on the top of the tower it says"free fall".does anyone know if the demon drop ever had this sign on top,or is this a typo?the name of the book is"roller coaster"there is a picture of mantis on the cover.i scanned the picture to try and link it on here,but i forgot how to make a link.
I think I have seen that pic before!
Yeah, and that book also says that RipCord is 300ft. tall.
Brandon Sorc
Millennium Force count:67
speaking of typos has anyone seen the Guinness book from I think last year, boy did they butcher CP!
To get more picky, on the same page with Ripcord it list the magnum lift as 205 foot tall unlike the other ones like Raptor which are feet tall, not foot tall.
And did you know CP has restored artefacts ?
I heard of Munger, but who is Mungers?
The Gemini is 128 feet now I guess, it grew.
The way it's worded, it states the the Corkscrew goes through it's corkscrew at 50 MPH!
*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 2/21/2001. ***
50 MPH through the corkscrew will increase your nausea and intensity rating. Better hire some handymen and put in some benches!
Duane Cahill
This space for rent
Hey Hothitz I have that book and on mine it says demon drop?? It is the "RollerCoaster" Book with the Mantis on it right??? Well that is really weird because mine says Demon Drop!!! Kramer are you talking about 2000 Guiness Book? Because I have found a lot of errors in that book like, Woodcock Express? That is pretty bad for the publishing company!!!!
I too noticed that.
What's Life If You Never Get To The Point?
it does say demon drop,but it has a picture of a ride that looks similar to demon drop,with the name"free fall".its on page 180.
*** This post was edited by hothitz on 2/21/2001. ***