Two middle fingers

Jeff's avatar
I like to quote myself, so I'll say what I said when I first learned what this things was...

This ride is like giving two giant middle fingers to the competition, showing them that if you want to play with the big boys, you gotta be ready to be beat.

(As an aside, I'd mention that the word on the street is that the competition scored only 1.5 million visitors last year, a far less than said parks ever did separately.)

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

I think their biggest problem was with repeat visitors.  There were tons of guest service complaints this year from SFWOA.  But, I don't intend to rip them.  I am here to say right now that if....and it is a big IF...they can get their act together, that park will be a force to be reckoned with in the next 5 to 10 years.
Oh I don't know Jeff, CP is looking more like followers than leaders in this case. The "competition" can always take the "been there, done that" high road.
Adding twists at both ends and making it taller doesn't really change the ride that much from previous attempts at impulses. The ride experience probably will not differ greatly from previous rides on impulses. I am a little disappointed, but it is an addition of a coaster for CP that it didn't have in the park. I think it helps round out the park and the types of rides it offers. Hopefully, next year we can get a great CCI woodie as an addition.
 I kind of see the two middle fingers being for the public..for expecting a better version of this coaster and not quite getting it...IMHO....was really hoping for something better..bigger..and possible two of them sitting side by side or something..passing one another...

Does anyone know why the announcement came out so late? was something on hold..or was it nothing at all?


Pete's avatar
Oh com'on tohot, the public didn't know what to expect. It's only us fanatics that even had a clue as to what CP was getting. The Intamin Impulse coasters are just about perfect the way they are. CP's version is a little taller and faster to accomondate the longer train. You wouldn't want to increase the height and speed too much, or it may very well affect the fun of the ride in negative ways. Translated, that means higher speeds will need a wider radius curve into the hill to keep the Gs under control. This can have all kinds of negative effects on the sensations and pacing of the ride. Look at Mean Streak and Blue Streak? Which is more fun? I just loved the Impulse at SFWOA, and I'm very pleased that CP is getting one. This is a FUN ride, that I'm sure will be a big crowd pleaser. What more can you ask for?
It's very hard to drink all day...
Unless you start first thing in the morning.

*** This post was edited by Pete on 11/20/2001. ***

For what it's worth, CP just nabbed a slightly upgraded version of SFWoA's 2nd best ride (I think Batman:KF was slightly better) and stole large amounts of thunder.
I don't quite see how a giant squatty U is going to look like two middle fingers.
I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.
2001 MF Count: 10
Is that what they call alcohol these days?

I've ridden the big ones, but Iron Dragon is still my baby.

Nope I don't drink, only 15
2001 MF Count: 10
I'll let myself start slowly.  I have no intention of throwing back the sauce and peeling myself off the bathroom floor the next day.
True Pete...but alas..the site does not hold all the coaster fanatics in the world...there are alot out there..shoot people I work with that I would of never considered them coaster fans are actually disapointed with the ride we are getting.
The more you ride it, the more you want it!


I think the average joe that sees the artist's rendering of WT won't be very impressed...I have two of my friends that are making me believe this is the case. 

The last thing CP built was the enormous MF, and let's face it, WT doesn't look like much in comparison to the uneducated eye.  The average joe that is disappointed has no idea about the awesome, intense forces these impulse's pack.  Not to mention the amazing launches. 

I suppose this is one of those rides that some of the GP will have to experience before buying into it.  Everyone was sold on MF being awesome before they strapped themselves in.  I'm sold on WT, but it'll take the experience itself to prove it's worthiness to most people...

*** This post was edited by Logan on 12/5/2001. ***

I have goten the same reaction from most GP peeps I've talked to. They tell me "man, that looks stupid." They also never even heard of S:UE.
Jeff's avatar
Yet another indication that disproves the theory that any non-enthusiast would think they were ripping off that "other" park.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Oh the newspapers out here already took care of that, so the average joe knows now ( for those that didnt know before)....*click*
I work at a University creating computer access, and see a lot of students, faculty, staff in my office. I printed out the picture of WT from the website and posted it in my office (did the same with MF). So far, everyone who has come in and noticed the picture has given positive comments about WT. In fact, two people specifically said they were glad that CP was FINALLY getting one of those "six flags" rides.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

LOL OldCPer!!
The more you ride it, the more you want it!


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