TV or DJ?

I don't think this has been discussed before, does anyone know if there is a Big Screen TV or a DJ in line for MF? I hope they put in a DJ. In the Mantis line, if it's sunny, you can't even see the TV.
I'd guess they will put in a DJ after they switched PT.

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."

Nobody has really no clue when it comes to TV and DJ. First they have to get the queue lines (duh)filled in first. Maybe 2-3 weeks from opening day we may have an idea
Brian Z.
Hometown parks: Kennywood, Cedar Point!
27 days until The Force
The Raptor and Magnum DJ are never at their boths.
A dj is definitely better in a situation like an outdoor queue. a tv can be okay in some lines such as outer limits at PKI(it gets old after it plays for about the thirtieth time), however in an outdoor line like MF a dj is pretty hype on a hot summer day.
What?! The Magnum DJ is at his both at night. In fact that was probably my favorite night ride because of the tunes.
Id have to say...a DJ...I guess for one reason, music is my life. I love
beeing able to request a awsome song that gets the whole line pumped. i go for the DJ.

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
The only suggestion I have if they have a DJ is to place them toward the queue entrance. so we can hear if before we board the ride. It sticks in line for Magnum, because if you request a song, you already ride the ride and don't get to hear your song. for mantis either get a DJ or get a projection TV that has good picture tubes.
Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
I hope they get a DJ because I'd rather here music than watch a video that plays over and over again. (Mantis)
I agree with Evan. TVs are good in indoor queues, like my favorite ride ever to wait in line for (as if I should have a favorite) is the Exterminator at Kennywood. But I would have to go with a DJ for this situation. Just as long as they are good and don't play slow songs!
I'd wish that every queue that has a DJ would be there during the day and not just at night. It gets boring during the day.
I do see the Raptor, Magnum, and Power Tower Dj's at night, but rarely see the Mean Streak Dj. I seen him one time last summer when the line was near three hours long. I guess they need to relocate that booth. It is way on the other end of the Line area.

Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
The thing i dont like about the DJ's, its not there fault but you go from one coaster to another and you will hear the same song over and over. One time last summer i heared one of the Backstreet Boys songs 17 times. I think they should have some kind of network so this problem does not happen. *** This post was edited by B-Town on 4/16/2000. ***
What!?! There's a DJ at Meanstreak?
Maybee some sort of an all song Random feature?
"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."
If you had a random song feature, you wouldnt need a DJ, just a machine. Then you couldnt have request, thats why DJ's are better.

"Got a green light, got a green light...but your going nowhere" Filter-The Best Things

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