Tunnels look short

I know cp is too smart for this but looking at the pics of the tunnels it almost seems that your arms will get chopped off if you keep them up while going through the tunnel. For all of you that has looked at the pics what do you think... jeff do you know the clearence?

magnum of MF now that is a real question.
COBRAROLL39... BACK OFF. If you look at the photos cplove has a genuine question. At first look it does give the appearance as if there is no room for your arms. Yes, I agree with you CP would not build this ride and have that problem. Give people a break for a basic discussion question. *** This post was edited by Old Timer Tim on 4/18/2000. ***
OK CobraRoll39...We all know there is room, but it looks tight...that's all that was said. Everyone (cplove included) knows CP won't make a ride that will injure anyone with their hands up. It just looks like there's not enough clearance. When you're on the top of Magnum's second hill looking down at that first tunnel it looks like a head chopper for sure! Of course its just an illusion. Lots of regulars commented when those pics first came out about how tight it looked. Check this link if you want to see...


It was a legit question. Don't use your interpretation of the question as a basis for starting another dumb argument. *** This post was edited by Camel on 4/18/2000. ***
If you look at the pictures of the pull through and the size of the ride envelope tester,unless you have 6 foot arms, you are not going to hit anything on this ride.

Of course, the first year magnum was running,everytime I went there I heard of another person losing their arms or head going through those tunnels so who knows :)
Also, remember the ride has to be licensed. They won't license it if it is too dangerous.

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."

I know that the tunnels are fine but from the cammera angle and such it looks so scary i can't wait!!1
magnum of MF now that is a real question.
Look again at the photos. Look closely, now...

Pay particular attention to the roll angle of the track as it enters the tunnel. Indeed, it looks like there is no where near enough clearance above and to the left of the track. But notice that the track is tilted over at a *significant* bank angle, and that by offsetting the tunnel to the one side of the track, there is plenty of clearance to be had where it needs to be.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
Also think of the track as being 4-5 feet in diameter, that will put it into perspective.
After you've WALKED THROUGH the tunnels you'd know that they are higher then they look.

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