This is a petition to get the TTR system removed. Just type your name and hope CP reads this and sees how much we all hate the "Ticket To Ride" system.
Ben Coy
Cedar Point Management - I am opposed to the extreme "all or nothing" TTR system in place now. I could possibly see the merits of a more limited system that gives out TTR tickets for only, say, 50% of a timeslot's capacity, and puts those people in an express lane, but still allows a stand-by line for those who wish to wait. I think the stand-by line will effectively monitor itself if people see it getting long. And those who want to "schedule" a time will be able to do it - those who don't, won't be forced to.

But, if the current system is your "final solution", count me against it.

Anne Freestone

Mount up & let's ride! (If you're allowed to get in line, that is!)

*** This post was edited by CheapRock on 6/30/2000. *** *** This post was edited by CheapRock on 6/30/2000. ***
Dave Lachowski
Josh Troiano
We already have a petition for getting the system closed. It is called the "Fast Past System 1&2" posts. Currently they have about 300 comments. These comments include helpful suggestions and thoughts on the subject, so you might want to check it out.
I already have!!! Sign it or don't post anything dude!
Bill Bussone
rob blackford
chris lapp
John Dunley

14 and counting
See my Po!nt?
Joe Bankowski
No offense to you all but a petition isn't going to do a thing. If the park officals like the Ticket to Ride system it is going to stay no matter how hard we try to change their minds.
Who said the park officials like it? One park official was quoted as saying this "I read GTTP and I'm glad to see that they hate the system as much as we do."

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801 *** This post was edited by Dan on 6/30/2000. ***
Brett VanWagner
Like I posted on the TTR infamous post,it doesnt really matter what the public thinks about it.They seem to think its working well when a few people comment on how great it is and the rest of us think it is downright horrible.I mentioned that the people who like it wont be around in the future,they are only here to ride the coaster and next year will be somewhere else riding that park's new coaster.They have to consider CP's true patrons,the ones who buy season passes,the ones who ride ALL the rides good and bad and the ones who comment on their site.They are the ones who really care.Its people like them who make Cp what it is.Granted,the MF is doing on hell of a business but its us who payed for the thing and its us who rides the thing and it shouldnt be us that suffers from the thing.GET THE POINT???
Hmmmm.....and you all think this petition will change the minds of those at Cedar Point. I highly, highly doubt it. ;-)
Jeff's avatar
This isn't necessary.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 34

Closed topic.

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