TTD Status


I checked on Cedar Point's website to see if TTD was currently running and it said it was down as of 10/18. Was this because of wind or has the ride suffered another breakdown? I'm making a trip this coming weekend and was just curious to know if the ride is working this year.




It was working fine yesterday (10/17). Took a while to get going - the mechanics were playing around with the track near the christmas tree early in the morning - but it worked well for the rest of the day.

Except for the launch when I got my first roll-back :)




I can only pray for a roll-back!! ;)



kylepark's avatar

Of course TTD is down, along with all other rides on 10/18, it's Monday! The park is only open on weekends.

- Uncle Jay



Well normally it says it's open no matter what. Unless it's really broken down.

101 on Magnum and counting...


1 cedr pt

The TTD really is broken! We were there yesterday evening and rode it around 4pm. While in line, it rolled back once, and seemed to be ok from there on. The total wait was near 30-45 min. After we completed our ride, we were going to get back in line, but they had it blocked off. They said: The TTD has been closed per maintenance request. The people that are left in line will get a ride, but after then it will be closed for the rest of the evening. Anyone know what happened? Or was it just too cold/windy???

"Welcome back Gemini riders, how was that ride!?!?!" 28 years of excellence! (I am the guy in green & blue stripe shirt in my pic on TTD)



It just was.


Mayor, Lighthouse Point



Last sunday, 10/17/04, I was thinking about making a spontaneous trip to sandusky. I checked the TTD status, and from the morning until late afternoon (then I stopped checking), the status continually said it was down.

But I saw that it was running from the web cam shots.

I didn't end up going that day because of other things, but my advice would be to check the web cams, and you can also see how long the line is from the bird's eye view cam.


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