Vanessa said:
They do this even if the shirts are obviously not for profit because an organization I was in couldn't have the logo on our group's t'shirts and they were not for profit. I don't know if the same goes for the TTD logo or not.------------------
ONE freeway stamp a day... ONE
Yes, but was the shirt shop going to make money?
"I can't make a movie or write a song either, but that doesn't mean I'm not entitled to think they suck."
Drags: 0 Forces: 0 Twists: 0 Kick the Sky: 0
ONE freeway stamp a day... ONE
Don't mess with me and IP law... I've been dealing with it professionally now for 12 years.
Webmaster/GTTP -
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM
You're oversimplifying it Draeger
Who now?
Yes, case law is a tricky thing. If you put a review on the t-shirt (5 out of 5 stars!), you would have "the spirit of journalistic use".
As for 43... if you look at 43.4, it says that:
"(4) The following shall not be actionable under this section:
(A) Fair use of a famous mark by another person in comparative commercial advertising or promotion to identify the competing goods or services of the owner of the famous mark.
(B) Noncommercial use of a mark.
(C) All forms of news reporting and news commentary."
The following section goes on to talk about different cases of violation.
The great thing about US law is that you can take it to court and it could go either way.
"I can't make a movie or write a song either, but that doesn't mean I'm not entitled to think they suck."
Drags: 0 Forces: 0 Twists: 0 Kick the Sky: 0
Go Natural Lightning
Just can't live in that negative way... Make way for the positive Day
2003 - Gemini Crew
There's no reason to take this crap from him. Go somewhere else that you can be appreciated by the site owner, and can also make a negative remark about the site owner or his/her site and NOT BE BANNED for it! Heck, if people showed some interest, I'd start my own site. I've started some very popular forums, and I don't disrespect my customers.
*** This post was edited by Previously Banned 5/11/2003 3:18:29 AM ***
2003 - Gemini Crew
Yes, Previously Banned, you'll be sure to spark an uprising! Everyone, quick! go get digital torches and imaginery pitch forks so that we can bring down GTTP and all of it's evilness! While we're at it...Down with copyrights! Down with trademarks! Steal as much informational property from others as you can!
Steelrider33 was nothing more than a mole who posted just to spark flame wars, and from what I saw th3digitalmind wasn't much better.
In conclusion, the world would be a much better place without ass clowns running amuck.
...and the most anticipated event of summer 2003 is...
The Matrix: Reloaded!
I don't post here too much, but I check the site about every day, and I think that Jeff does a good job moderating the boards. It's just that some people are "ass clowns" as CP bound said, and they expect that we will put up with it. I am glad to see that Jeff takes a stand to get rid of these needless posters.
AKA...Somewhatchewy, Joseph the White.
If ignorance is bliss, why aren’t more people happy?
Thank you to those of you who do get it.
Webmaster/GTTP -
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM
Jacob Heller said:
How do you think I felt when I made t-shirts for my DDR team in Hawaii for a tournament only to be told by officials I had to get rid of them because of trademark infringements?
I'm sure Cedar Point has a dress code that lets them get rid of anything they don't like.
I can't believe you people are this idiotic! Any trademarked logo/icon is illegal to reproduce without permission.
And I'm not being idiotic. I'm simply quoting United States Trademark Law, which covers this situation. As far as US Law is concerned, this is perfectly legal. And if you still don't think so, there are a number of loopholes (5 of 5 stars!).
I can understand Jeff though. If someone was trying to make trouble and ruin our wonderful debate he should have gotten rid of it. At least he didn't delete the thread because he didn't like being challanged so much.
"I can't make a movie or write a song either, but that doesn't mean I'm not entitled to think they suck."
Drags: 0 Forces: 0 Twists: 0 Kick the Sky: 0
Though, the number one way to see if ANYTHING like this can be done, is to call the park and ask them or visit in person and offer the design for their input, not to mention the easiest and least contraversial.
2003 - Gemini Crew
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