Troika's new home

Jeff's avatar
Did you see the photo of Troika's new home yet? What an improvement for the ride with new paint. What an improvement for the midway just by breaking up that giant mass of concrete.

I wonder what they'll put around Chaos? Schwabinchen worked there because of the background that hid the building.

Webmaster/GTTP -
"The world rotates to The Ultra-Heavy Beat!" - KMFDM

I, for one, am glad that there's finally some decent rides over there for my kids to ride when they chicken out for Wicked Twister. At least the walk over there won't be a total waste of time, and money at the games.

If I win the lottery, I promise not to quit my job. Although, it may not take very long for me to be fired.

It's hard to tell from the angle of the new picture, but will Troika block DT's entrance in anyway? I thought it was going to be more in the empty ally between DT and the Giant Wheel.
Jeff mentioned Troika would break up the mass of concrete. From the other pictures, it looks like Dragster's new midway may also be a giant mass of concrete.
"I can see Canadaaaaaaaaahhhh!" - Me atop of Magnum.
the DT entrace is to the right about 100 feet i think, maybe more
Did the Giant Wheel always have so many more blue gondolas compared to the other colors? I thought there were equal numbers of blue, red, yellow, and green gondolas. I might be wrong. If they have always not been equal, does anyone know why they aren't?


That would be what the area by TTD is, a giant mass of concrete, I was fooled by some of the videos that there might be some sign of vegetation, that is unless they still plan on putting all of those trees by the queues.....

Webmaster: Po!Nt MaNiA!

Junior - You are correct, there are equal numbers of varying colored gondolas on the Giant Wheel. There are two hues of blue though.

I am very pleased to see how Cedar Point has advanced with placement and design over the few years I have been an enthusiast. The way they placed Troika and Chaos are genius (Troika in particular) because it makes the midway more alive. Giant Wheel, WT and now these thrill rides will hopefully disperse the crowed better over in that area.

Eric Morrison (Coast)
Point Hype
*** This post was edited by Etrain 4/2/2003 3:48:14 PM ***

Ralph Wiggum's avatar
I think Troika looks great in that picture. The first thing I noticed were the cabins being back on the Giant Wheel. I don't remember when we saw those go up last year, but I remember it was very close to the end. Just about a month left!

-Chris Woodard
"If you're standing in an uncomfortable position, that means you are in the right position because you are riding Mantis!" - Mantis ride op doing spiels on closing day.

99er's avatar
Nice placment......very nice indeed:)

Screamsters 2001
Millennium Force/Screamsters 2002
Rip Cord/Screamsters 2003

I love the color, and like Jeff said, glad the big slab of concrete has some color. I think the new colors fit the area well, giving it a bright , vibrant type theme...with the colors of the three rides (WT , Trioka and The Wheel).

OMG! The Space Spiral is leaning!!" Must be the weight of that new air conditioning system everyone keeps hypothesizing about...

More trees! Would help break up the concrete slab! Including TTD as well. It provides natural shade! Anyway I like the troikia placement, it looks really sharp there. I was wondering the same thing as you Jeff. The back of the building might be exposed now? Although I don't think it would make a difference. I am glad to see CP improving the Oceana/Wt midway. Whatever it is called now. I can't wait till May!
----Jesus Freak----
Nice look. But I must admit, I miss the trees from Troika's previous location. (I guess I'm the old fogey always complaining about the way things were.) It was a cool ride in the shade with the trees, and sometimes you felt like you were going to fly into them.

It does add much-needed color to the "Wicked Twister" midway, though.
*** This post was edited by Western Cruiser 4/2/2003 7:18:47 PM ***

I think I will miss the Troika! Troika! Troika! sign.
I almost forgot that sign! How quickly I forget things. I hope they put that up in the new location.

Eric Morrison (Coast)
Point Hype

Hehe I loved the crazy repeating Troika! sign. Nice color palette.

Phoebe: I have tasted my own medicine, and it is BITTER!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do seem to recall they planted trees in the plaza. Obviously they are small trees now, located where the benches line the plaza, but they are trees, none-the-less and will mature.

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

crazy horse's avatar
Are there any new pics of chaos new home?

you can lead a man to millenium force.....but you cant make him ride.

Ralph Wiggum said:
I think Troika looks great in that picture. The first thing I noticed were the cabins being back on the Giant Wheel. I don't remember when we saw those go up last year, but I remember it was very close to the end. Just about a month left!

-Chris Woodard
"If you're standing in an uncomfortable position, that means you are in the right position because you are riding Mantis!" - Mantis ride op doing spiels on closing day.

The cabins were put on 4/15 or 4/16 last year. They probably waited last year because of the cement work going on because of Wicked Twister.

CP Coaster Guide
Top Thrill Dragster
The fastest and tallest coaster ever built on the Planet!!

troika looks awesome where it is... breaking up the monotony of that section of Cedar Point... Finally, more reasons to go to the WT midway!!! it used to be such a quaint place, with NOTHING there... eh, its a buttload better this way

"If quizzes are quizzical, then what are tests?"
"Why, they're testi- wait..."
just giving kudos, where kudos are needed.
31 L-O-N-G days left...

I agree, WT was the only real reason to go to that midway for thrill rides. I think that troika and chaos are great additions to that area!
"What is it?"
"I heard it was the worlds largest revolving restauraunt"
"Oh Yeah, well I heard that they melted down wicked twister to make it"

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