travel time

Anybody know how quickly you can get from the Cincinnati area to Cedar Point?  It has to be by car (since I don't have my flight license yet) and not too much over the speed limit.
LuvRaptor's avatar
As a GUESS I would assume at LEAST 3.5 hours. From the Columbus area it takes me 2.75 (Rte 23-98-4) to get to PKI from my house it takes 1.25. That is with NO speeding...
I know from a fellow GTTPer (UCISECPHUGTDS) it takes him at least 3.5 hours so you've got quite a haul ahead of you. I would highly recommend going to and it should give you the best route, estimated travel time (this IS Ohio-construction capitol of the US) and total mileage.
Hope this helped!

2000 Raptor Crew
2001 Raptor Crew
Gemini 100 "Survivor"
Po!nter Girl-FOREVER! :)
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??

I live in Oxford, OH and that is 50 min. north of Cinncinati.  I went with my parents, I'm 14, and it took about 4 hours and we stayed at a place 20 min. from Cedarpoint.  It's called Lakeside.  I took 4 hours to 4 and a half.  I'm very good at keeping track of time.  I could tell you the route to get to cdearpoint the fastest.  I would just have to ask my parents.  Just reply to this post saying yes screammachinekid tell me!  I'll seee what I can do.
If there's bugs on your shirt, you had a good ride.
Yeah, depending on your route, it can take anywhere from 4 to 5 hours.  Keep in mind I tend not to drive the speed limit, but not by much.  The quickest way is 75 N to 6, I think.  I've only gone that way 1 or 2 times.  Usually I go through Columbus, since my parents live there.  I'll stay overnight with them (or my girlfriend who lives up there too).  That way I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to make it to the park for the "running."
Thanks for the info.  The trip is still being considered.  It would be a major cash issue, since I'd be going down to Florida the week after for my birthday (gotta love those friends that work for the airlines!).  I just needed some proof to my mom, who still says it takes at least 6 hours to get to Cedar Point.  Oh yeah, yes screammachinekid tell me!  Haha.  Thanks

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