Take a look at the web cam, they are laying track on the 2nd hill this morning.
Chris DeFouw
Ummm... can you really see that far back? I must be blind then. All i can see are a few suports. Oh well, I think they need to put the webcam were Jeff took teh pictures at that park or wherever it was.
I can see the track going up to the overbanked turn rather clearly
Pittsburgh, PA
No doubt about it. That's track!
Duane Cahill
Is it just me or are they putting track on the first hill too?
The track starting to climb up the first hill has been there for a about a week.
Pittsburgh, PA
I stand correct. I can see it now as well! It is a very groovy thing!!
I just checked this evening, and now the first 1/3 of the turnaround is tracked!!