Town Hall: What would you do?

OK, you are put in charge of rebuilding Town Hall. What would you do.

1. First I would gut out the entire building.

2. Then I would knock out the left walls and expand ten or twenty feet towards the Snake River Falls queue.

3. This would leave me with one huge room. I would line the outer walls with all of the old wood entrance signs.

4. In the right hand corner near the entrance I would set up four fascination tables with seats and balls so people could play.

5. In the center of the room I would have a huge information desk. The desk would be circle shapped and would be an all glass enclosed desk with all of the rare plates and dishes and cups.

6. I would move the three carousel horses to the center of the room as well so people could walk around them.

7. On the walls above the entrance signs there could be old entrance, ride, and park signs, flags, and banners from years past.

8. Then in the back left corner of the room there would be a section dedicated to the history of the park, with old pictures, postcards, blueprints and other misc. items. One of them would be a big spindal section that has all of the park maps on display and people can see all of the park maps from year to year.

9. I would find a way to display all of the park calendars from 1981 through the present year.

I guess that is a good start.

daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 386
Whats that big blue thing with the long line?
I would put a couple computers with access to GTTP!

2001 MF Count: 0
1. Iron Dragon
2. Raptor
3. Gemini
4. Magnum
5. Demon Drop
Wow Dan, you've really got this figured out! I think your ideas sound great. The only thing I would change would be a few more Fascination tables ;).

At the turn of the Millennium, there were signs.
I don't understand what a barber shop has to do with anything?

Can someone please explain it to me.

daniel j. haverlock
'01 magnum: 386
Whats that big blue thing with the long line?
Gemini's avatar
Aren't they from the old Eden Musee wax museum?

That's what I thought.
Let's see, I love the idea of putting the horses in the middle so that you can walk around them, that's great. But I wouldn't have the park maps up for every single year, since some years they don't change much and that's a LOT of maps -- maybe every 3-4 years or something like that, all nicely framed of course. I'd add little alcoves that would have scenes from the Pirate Ride and Earthquake Ride in them, too. And a cartoon entrance sign at the door! Better plaques too, to explain what the stuff is for those guests that don't remember.

PO!NT OF VIEW - A Different Look at Roller Coasters
One wall should be dedicated to Cedar Point Rich coaster history displaying statistics, picture's, etc., of all of Cedar Points past and present coasters.

How about a BIG model of the entire park! OK, that probably too much. They need to at least put trims the Mean Streak model.

2001 Force Laps-67
2001 Magnum Laps-159
6/11/01 Gemini Laps 100
Sounds like a plan to me! More Fascination tables, though.
How about a display of wheels from all the coasters or a display of parts from all the coasters or something to that sort.

~Chip Force
I would fork up the money to fix the goofy clock.
They tried. No one can fix it, according to CP.

Sean-Dust Man of the Elite Eight

Gemini 100: 100
Someone mentioned the barber shop being from the old wax museum. Would anyone (I know I'm stretching it here) possibly have a brochure from that museum, circa mid-1960's listing the exhibits ? I remember visiting this museum, and could swear they had a section called the chamber of horrors. My brother & sister dispute this, and I'm trying to pursue any leads. Last week when I visited CP, I asked the gentleman at the Town Hall if there was a CP historian (answer=no) and if any archival copies exist of the various and sundry brochures from over the years (answer=didn't think so.) He did mention some wharehouse where they store all kinds of stuff, but no details (plus I don't live in OH) Any ideas??
Gemini's avatar
Actually, I do have a brochure from the museum listing the exhibits. It's in my archives somwhere ... I'll have to try to find it.

-I think a lot of the stuff should be taken out that it to your right hand side when you walk in.
I can see keeping a few of the wax figures, but we do not need all of the barber shop type stuff.

-Keep some of the nickel and dime games, try to fix some of the broken ones.

-Definitely incorporate something with the Fascination tables and the "old" ride signs

-It would be interesting to do something with computers like at EPCOT to showcase some of the history of the park. (For sound files, video files, ect.)

-Possibly add a few old ride parts, ect.

-#1 on my list: Preserve the outside of the building, I don't care if they add on, but the outside of the building is perfect.

I think they need to have a better start place for the history part. I mean, put up more walls and make it more like a maze like most museums where you start at the beginning and go from there. I think things just have gotten unorganized over the years and sometimes I have a difficult time understanding.

Have a historian (me) and just help people inform them about all the things that happened and how some really old things are still around the park. I wonder if Cedar Point would hire a historian?

The NEW Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie is coming after we move our web site to a pop-up free location. I have alot of things I need to ad that I have acquired.

Visit Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie

*** This post was edited by Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie on 7/3/2001. ***
First, Town Hall was originally not intended to be a "history museum". It was originally themed along with the rest of FTown to an Old West Theme, hence the barber shop etc.

I have wanted to see something done to "preserve" the history of CP for a long time...
Given the time and money I would basically take the CP Memories (the BGSUTV Show) and run that on a continuos loop. I would then have sections by decades showing park maps, brouchers, changes to the park etc...

I am sure CP realizes the history of the park but for some reason sits on thier hands... Heck if it is done well and right they can add a "history day" to CP along the lines of Physics Day...

P.S. CP on lake Erie, I'm looking forward to visitng your new site. Let us know when it is ready!
I've been dying to find a site that lists more CP history than you can find in "Queen of American Watering Places". Hope this is it!

Duane Cahill
Outwit, Outplay, Outlast
Actually... I think I'd tear it down. I'd also tear down the Frontier Lift station. Using the space freed up, I'd build a snappy little wooden coaster, maybe intertwined with the Mine Ride, maybe running along the train tracks and under/around Snake River Falls.

Then, having carefully packed away all the items in the museum, I'd cart them off to the Coliseum. I know CP uses the ballroom for some events (I've been to a couple of Coastermania! things there), but I'm thinking a complete renovation of that floor would allow plenty of room for an enlarged and use-specific museum (by which I mean the museum could be designed to exhibit items), meeting rooms for conventions or park functions, plus whatever they may have going on behind the scenes. Finshed off with an elevator for ADA compliance.

. *** This post was edited by slithernoggin on 7/3/2001. ***
What kind of things do you like at the web site (Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie) and would you like to be expained. I wonder if people even read the history pages at times...

Your Input would be GREAT!!!

Email me at
and tell me what u think...

Visit Cedar Point-on-Lake Erie
I agree about gutting the whole thing and making it bigger. But then I would put in one of the following:

1. Updated version of the Earthquake ride.
2. Updated version of the Pirate ride.
3. Updated version of the Fun House.

That would be the best CP history lesson they could make.

-- Harley

CP fan since 68.

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