Top five reasons why the next 73 days will suck

#5 The unseasonably warm temperatures we have.

#4 The days are getting longer.

#3 You don't work for Longerberger.

#2 Your MF video is too warn out to watch becuase of watching it atleast five time a day since you got it.

....and the number one reason the next 73 days will suck.....

Testing of MF should begin soon, and your not on it.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Here, just make it a top 10 list:

#10 RAPTOR is closed
#9 MAGNUM is closed
#8 MANTIS is closed
#7 Power Tower is closed
#6 GEMINI and the STREAKs are closed

"To ALCOHOL- the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."
--Homer J. Simpson
Here are more reasons...

I have estimated that my office is about 300 feet above the parking lot, I keep looking out my window imagining what it will be like... *sigh*

Lately, for some reasons, MF has been incorporating itself into my dreams. (this is really weird, but I must be pondering over this thing too much..) I have dreamt about them testing the coaster, and even got to the point where I have boarded the darn thing too... but I always seem to wake up right before cresting the lift.

Anyone else experiencing this, or am I just going crazy???

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WOW! I have also dreamt about M.F...and even rode it in my dream, although it was only 10ft tall when I got on it was still a very crazy dream.
Jeremy M Johnson
I've been having reoccuring dreams about cedar point. The first time I rode MF was about a month ago. It wasn't finished in my dream but i got to ride on the first hill with no seatbelts and then they hit the breaks at the top of the overbanked turn.. It was crazy. Recently I have rode the finished product. It ruled!! even in my dream!!

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
Jeff's avatar
#5 My fiancee is beating me in the MF dream count, 4 to 6.
#4 I keep having to tell my co-workers that the building we work in is 300 feet tall.
#3 I might be a coaster whore and fly to Orlando for a weekend.
#2 That damn wallpaper on my computer showing the skyline from Space Spiral (yeah, I'll upload it eventually).
#1 Haverlock is going to look for another reason to use "suck" in a CP Place topic! ;)

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
# 5 My wife doesn't laugh when I talk about MF anymore - she just opens the liquor cabinet and mutters under her breath.

#4 I prepaid my opening day hotel reservations on my highest rate credit card.

#3 I might have a car crash because I keep holding my hands up when I drive down a steep hill.

#2 I just got the bill from that same credit card for the trip I took to Orlando last month. (That's right - I admit it! I'm a whore!!)

#1 I've been considering airfare to California to ride (gulp) Goliath, the "tallest coaster in the world".

#5: my boyfriend just rols his eyes and walks away when i give him the daily MF update

#4 i only have 72 days left with Chef Meiland, which is kind of like a coaster in that i NEVER KNOW what's gonna happen(school's almost over)

#3 i am running out of people to impress/frighten with the MF promo video

#2 my PARENTS have started checking out!!

#1 when i got our confirmation letter in the mail i FRAMED it....
AND i am having the MF dreams too. really freaky ones at that!! good topic!!!

"I think I scrambled my brain!!"
#10: I don't get to watch the Magnum sink.

#9: With nobody asking me what time the rain will stop, I have lost my magical weather predicting abilities.

#8: IT'S TAUNTING ME!!! The 2000 poster-calendar I got at the rehire party is TAUNTING ME!

#7: My friends are seriously considering the local mental institution as my residence for next quarter, after hearing my lengthy discourses on the dynamics of roller coasters that result from SEVERE WITHDRAWAL.

#6: I will have to attend classes nearly every single weekday for the next 73 days, then come back here after the excitement of CP on Opening Day and GO TO A MONTH MORE OF CLASSES!

#5: I'm getting sick of the Magnum POV.

#4: I'm getting sick of the World Wide Web.

#3: I find myself drawn to yellow overalls (ex sweep uniforms from last year).

#2: I've already gotten through all the scenarios in Roller Coaster Tycoon, what else is there to do in life?

And the #1 reason........

I've forgotten what time the 10:00 laser light show will begin!!!

ATL Zone 3 Sweeps 2000
*** This post was edited by Backstreet Girl on 2/29/00. ***
thatns for the memories Backstreet Girl

What time will it stop raining?
Does this ride go upside down?
What time does the 10:00 laser show start?
Will I get wet on this ride?
Is this a water ride?

...did I forget any Jeff....

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
# 5 46 more days to tax day

# 4 worm weather

# 3 and makes it imposible not to look forward to, and not to dream about.

# 2 Cedar Pointr is closed.

# 1 ALL of the other top reasons
10. The coastermania thing is on my first day of exams (but i get to exempt them...WOOHOO! lol).
9. We have to wait 73 more days.
8. I have to get my season pass (and i dont have a job...yet).
7. I cant ride magnum for 73 more days.
6. I cant ride raptor for 73 more days.
5. I cant ride mantis for 73 more days.
4. I cant ride mean streak for 73 more days.
3. Cedar Point opens to some paying companies before the park opens to the public, so I wont be one of the first of the public to ride MF.
2. Cedar Point wont be open for 73 more days.
1. I cnat ride MF for 73 more days.

thats my top 10........

"Welcome back riders, DID YOU ENJOY YOUR FLIGHT?"
10: Waiting to meet all you coaster freaks
9: I miss DT (HA)
8: It will get cold again
7: I miss the pretty girls in bikini's
6: I miss cutting my head off right before the beam on Gemini (especially with 1st time riders)
5: I miss asking when you hit the loop on mine ride
4: I miss asking when you stand on mine ride
3: I miss the first hill on mine ride
2: Can't wait to ride Raptor with LuvRaptor
1: I miss Raptor
Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
10. I miss O-Cing in 105 degree weather (i'm being serious - that would at least mean I was back at CP)
9. 44 days 'til I process in
8. 73 days to the REAL opening day
7. I actually kinda miss that dive bar (what's the name of that place again? kidding - where else can you get 24 ounce draft for 1.25?)
6. I have to agree with Natalie on #6 here - I can't predict the weather anymore (namely "When's the wind gonna go below 30 MPH?" for Ripcord)
5. I miss having stuff thrown at me by angry guests who can't get a refund because of inclement weather.
4. I'm sick of getting my fill of CP through doing interviews for prospective employees on my campus and calling HR once a week
3. Lifeguard training starts in 24 days
2. I actually miss my apartment (why, I don't know)
1. I'm SCARED TO DEATH to ride MF (but I will anyway) and that day is looming closer!!

Carrie's Cedar Point Employee Page
#5 School
#4 I can't keep checking the webcam out i'm straining my eyes!(HA)
#3 nice weather
#2 dreams of riding MF
#1 driving pass the point every weekend

#5 My friends are going to commit me if I don't shut-up about Millennium Force.
#4 I am starting to Why everyone is making fun of the person who asked when the 10:00 laser show was. It was a good question.
#3I am going to go broke buying stuff on ebay
#2My stupid friend taunting me because he gets to ride in the front seat of the second car when Millennium Force opens.
#1 I am spending most of my free time on this message board.
Is it just me or is are these lists giving off a David Letterman'ish vibe?
Well atleast I can go to Kennywood on April 5. *** This post was edited by Magnum 89- on 3/1/00. ***
5. I need to free up memory on my hard drive, by doing so, I need to delete the MF POV... Like this new program I need for work is more important!

4. I drove 182.4 miles last weekend, just to catch a glimpse of MF and the park (oh, and to visit my friend in Lorain)

3. Starting to see these squiggly "M's" everwhere in my office and at home (kinda like the guy in the POV)

2. My boss wants to enroll me into the Obsessive Compulsive disorder study, which I am a data manager on.

1. My spouse is trying to stop me from naming our new puppy "Millie"

By popular vote, the official start of the
millennium has been moved to
May 13, 2000

Neil I got you beat lol. My illegal cat that I will have in my dorm room is Magnum, or Mags for short lol.

And now back to the Top 10 lists, an enjoyable diversion from homework.......
5. I have to keep working for the next 73 days.

4. My work wont declare a "Employess day off to go to CP", day.

3. My boss hates coasters and dont want to hear me telling my employess about MF anymore.

2. I keep cleaning out my car over and over for our road trip to CP.

And the number one reason is....

1. Work Work and more Work!!

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

~~~Darla~~~ *** This post was edited by tohot2se on 3/1/00. ***

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