Tips to get in the first seat...........

Anyone know any, I am coming from NJ, maybe my only visit to CP, and I would like the front.
It is totally a chance thing. If you're lucky, you can get first seat!!!

America's Roller Coast
I was lucky yesterday, and got to ride in the front on the blue train. It was awesome!!! *** This post was edited by Matt on 5/26/2000. ***
You could always pay someone off. lol
I had the CHANCE to ride in the front seat on Wednesday. Passed it up for 2nd seat of the front car (same visuals, less windburn IMHO). The kids right behind us in line were THANKING me :)

MF count: 2
On Wed 24th we were about 24 from the front of the line as the queue opened. Since it was quite a walk through the queue we managed to stop several times and let 13 people get ahead of us.
My daughter and I both counted the people correctly as we started through the queue.

To our astonishment, when we got to the loading platform a couple of people were missing/not there and we got the "poor man's leftovers".

We were puzzled but not upset, again just glad to get on the best ride in the park. I guess we need to rethink our strategy and leave a greater margin of safety/error than 1 person, huh?

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :) *** This post was edited by Scooter on 5/28/2000. ***
I acted all upset and the girl at the station told me I could wait! I couldn't believe it! Some other people were mad but I didn't care!

Live for FUN!

Two times I went to the front and they told me I couldnt wai but they let to many people in and told us to go back I just pretended I was fixing the lace on my shoe and ended up first in line for the next train! It worked twice so I'll probaly do it again.
LMAO! I figured I'd use the same strategy, but I have to figure that the ride ops are going to catch on when 20 of us are standing at the head of the queue "fixing our shoelaces"!

Duane Cahill
Coming soon to an amusement park near you.
I tend to doubt that the ride ops really enjoy telling people that they can't sit where they want. They're just doing what they've been told to do. If you really want to be able to wait for the seat of your choice, then go to Park Operations and complain about the policy. The more people who complain, the sooner they'll change it. But, IMHO, making the ride ops job harder by stamping your feet or trying to scam your way into the front isn't going to help anyone.
Is there a phone number or e-mail address we can call to complain about this policy? If it is posted here we would get a lot of people to voice their oppinions.

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
I must be the luckiest person the face of the earth. Last week when we visited we rode MF 6 times and each time in the front seat. Now that is lucky beyond belief. I should have bought lottery tickets. It is spectacular, especially if you lean forward as mentioned in a previous thread.
Visiting MF for first time next week. Am I to understand that you cannot choose to sit in the front car by waiting for it? Is that the policy for all coasters in the park? It wasn't that way last time I was there 4 yrs. ago............

7 days to MF and Breakers
8 days to MF and Breakers
9 days to MF and Breakers
You cannot wait for ANY seat when you ride MF. You are not exactly asigned seats, but they are on a 1st come 1st served basis. If you are at the front of the 36 person group (single file through the turnstile) then you get 1st pick and so on. I have usually gotten "poor man's leftovers". Even so this ride rocks from start to finish.

You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
Get this, when I was there Sunday, my friend and I were assigned seat 6-2. There was a single rider in 5-1, which was where we wanted to sit. We asked the guy if he was willing to switch, and he was. When we went to switch, the ride-op wouldn't let us. I realize they are trying to get people through as fast as they can, but what did it hurt that we switched seats??? Don't get me wrong, I didn't care that much where I sat, but I wanted to try that seat out, and they wouldn't let me.

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