Tips on surviving an amusement park

HERE is an article about surviving an Amusement Park. Enjoy!

Last edited by campfreak06,

I'm too sexy for my harness!

Mondays are the second busiest days? I don't think I have ever seen that be the case. For the most part in my experiences, Mondays are just as busy as any other weekday.

Top 5 Coasters #1 Millennium Force #2 Intimidator (Carowinds) #3 Top Thrill Dragster #4 The Beast #5 X2

Coasters I want to ride: #1 El Toro #2 Leviathan #3 The Voyager #4 I305 #5 Behemoth

CoasterBob62's avatar

^ I was surprised to read that, too. I usually try to go on a Tuesday or Wednesday in May and June to ride everything. This season at CP will be different. I expect every day to be fairly busy with our new coaster.

I have always gone on a Sunday Monday and it's not crowded

2013: Maverick, Mine Ride, Skyhawk, Snake River Falls
2014: Team Leader of Snake River Falls

Wingless92's avatar

About the water piece. I know last year I read on here to ask for water with ice in a cup. I'm pretty sure they have to give it to ya. I used that a couple of times, worked great.

Gatekeeper2013's avatar

^ Usually on hot days the food stands (that serve water, you would be surprised how many don't) have cups sitting just inside and when you ask they hand them to you. (mind you, they are small cups). But even on cold days if you ask they wil give you (ironically) a larger cup of ice (water).

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