

On the height restriction chart on CP's web site, it indicates you don't have to be under 54" to ride Tilt-A -Whirl in Camp snoopy. Is it true or is it a typographical error???

the coaster fanatic


I know that I've seen parents well over 4'6" with their kids on that. Maybe it is true. I believe that you have to be under 54" or accompanied by a kid under 54".

"The Italic Squirrels. Woulnd't that be a cool name for a rock band?"-Dave Barry


I am not sure if there is a minimum height restriction or not, but if there is one, they do not enforce it. My friends and I rode it last summer. It is a bit smaller than a normal Tilt-a-whirl you would find at a fair, so it is easier to use your weight to manipulate the car, we got ours spinning so fast, I could hardly walk after getting off.


No, I believe that is the correct height.


You have to be at least 48" to ride, under 54" requires a responsible person.

Visit Dave and Jen's Cedar Point webpage


Cedar Point's Tilt-A-Whirl is a full-size 7-tub Park Model Electric-7 Drive Sellner Tilt-A-Whirl. I believe there is a 42" minimum height requirement for unaccompanied children (I'm not sure there is a minimum for accompanied children) and there is no maximum height requirement. Camp Snoopy is a *family* section of the park. Unlike the other rides in that section, the Tilt-A-Whirl and Woodstock Express are true family rides that the whole family can enjoy. Hmmm...I just checked my Tilt-A-Whirl brochure, and while it notes that the platforms are made of 14-gauge steel, it says nothing about a rider height requirement. I think it is minimum 42" or accompanied, though... --Dave Althoff, Jr.

Chris Penley

I rode it when I was there. I was also with my sister who worked there at the time. I don't no if that had anything to do with it but I really saw no reason for a height limit. All in all it's a good spin and spew for the whole family.


I'm like 5"6 and they let me on Camp Snoopy and Kiddy Kingdom rides.If it's family, all they should have is a minumum height restriction and no maximum.

the coaster fanatic
There is no possible way you can get me off Gemini.


There is no maximum height on the Tilt-o-whirl. My brother and I rode together. I am 5'10 and he is 6'2. We didn't get questioned at all.

Old Timer Tim

The only maximum height restriction I have run across in Camp Snoopy is a self imposed one. I'm 6'5" and rode not only Tilt-a-Whirl with the kids (boy did we spin) but also rode the Snoopy 500 racecars with my son who is under 42" so can't ride the cars alone. It is quite humorous to see someone 6'5" fold into one of those little racecars. I did draw the line at the Camp Snoopy Bus, just not enough leg room.

bodyin thelagoon

You did miss a good time on that bus. :) LOL

AKA: bodyin thewaterball fountain.

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