Tidal Wave Bay

Does anyone know how high the waver go on tidal wave bay?

Bring back Boblo!

Im not sure how high the waves go but i dont like how the waves seem like they come from the sides and meet in the middle. It isn't like a regular wave pool where the waves with go from the deep end to the shallow end,if youre in it you will see what i mean by the waves seem like they bounce off the side walls, go to the middle, then to the sides, then to the middle, and so on, its hard to explain! in my opinion i just dont like how their waves are.

I prefer the relaxing ocean like waves of TWB unlike the tsunami like waves in other wave pools. They are relaxing and don’t tire you out as quickly.

As far as wave height, my guess would be about 7ft since the posted depth in the deep end is 5ft.

*** Edited 6/28/2006 2:49:50 AM UTC by coasterdad***

I still like the old wave pool "The Wave" the best. The wave was gigantic and knocked down everything in its path. Also, the pool was huge and there was lots of room to swim around. They should have never tore that thing down.

e x i t english's avatar

Agreed. The Wave will live on as the greatest wave pool in the history of GL, IMO.

But there's no doubt that the very small one that Six Flags installed was ever going to be big enough for an amusement park.

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e x i t english's avatar

I don't know how small that one actually was. I mean, sure it was WAY smaller than the wave, but how small was it in comparison to what's there now?

The Wave was the best when I was a kid. But visiting it a year or two before It was torn down I thought it sucked. It was only one wave every half hour or so. It was so slow and boring! I like the newer ones better. sorry...


I agree with TThrilD420. The waves do seem to meet in the middle which is quite odd to me. I just went in TWB today, and the waves aren't really that high. A bit of a disappointment for me, but it is more family centered. The old one was much more intense (the one in HH's). *** Edited 7/8/2006 4:58:53 AM UTC by Top Thrill 182***

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