Thrust Air 2000?

I took a little vacation this past week, on it I read a story in Wired Magazine, about S&S and their Thrust Air. Through out the story the writter talked about Cedar Fair, Millennium Force, and S&S's new Thrust Air that will break many records. I can't remember all the stats, but I think it was going to be over 400 feet, and get launched at a speed of 127mph. I am thinking that this new TA may be going into one of CF's parks, just not sure which one.

For you people who have read this story what do you think? If you haven't, go buy an issue. Heres a link a picture of the cover: *** This post was edited by B-Town on 2/25/2001. ***

I would guess that you are talking about this thread. I hope for 2002 a CCI is in the works.

2000 Raptor Flights: 246
2000 Force Rides: 106
CP pics:
I totally agree Hooper. I'd much rather see a CCI than a TA2K.
Umm, I started that post but everyone thought it was a rumor...hmmm

Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
Or we could close this and just use search......

daniel j. haverlock
Magnum Count: 1266
MF Count: 117

Closed topic.

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