Thrill Ride Ratings @ CP

Has anyone else noticed this addition to the queue entrances this year, or is it I've just never noticed them before? I saw the first one while standing in the Millennium Force queue.. The sign reads "Level 5 -- Intense Thrill Ride" over a ski-lift type 'double-black diamond' symbol. I was kind of amused by the adoption of a ski-run rating of circles and diamonds, and noticed it on some other rides in the park as well. Was this added this year, or have I just been less observant before?
I just noticed it on MF the last time I went. I had a good chuckle to myself about it too. I have never noticed it on any other rides, what other rides does it apear on?

"If I go crazy, will you still call me Superman?" Kryptonite-Three Doors Down
I also saw it on MF but didn't notice it on any others.

aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
Well, technically not *in* the park, but the ratings can also be seen back in Challenge Park around the Go-Karts. I had a good laugh at one sign placed between the Kiddy Carts, but closer to the RipCord loading zone. It's a green circle with Thrill Rating of 1... I didn't pay attention to the sign itself.. and was thinking "They're rating RipCord a 1? They're outta their minds!" Then... I quickly realized what it was for... :)

Gemini's avatar
The Rider Safety Guide, available at Park Operations and Town Hall Museum, contain ratings for the rides. I believe all the coasters are Level 5.

Cedar Point Virtual Midway
Where is the sign located on MF?

"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
I read an article in a magazine that said the IAAPA (International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions) has proposed uniform "black diamond" signs for high intensity attractions. The warning currently under review: "High thrill attraction. High speeds with extremely unusual and stressful physical forces. This ride contains startling and unexpected thrills appropriate for only the most healthy and physically able riders."

Whats life if you never get to the point?
In the main park, I believe the only ride to have that sign (well, as of June 2) is Millennium Force. What is missing from Millennium Force is the usual "You must be this tall" sign with the [green] candycane.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.
How would you rate the coasters? [ski hill style]

Black diamond:
1. Wildcat
2. Mean Streak
3. Magnum
4. Raptor
5. Mantis

Blue Box [or whatever it is]

1. Iron Dragon
2. Gemini
3. MF
4. Mine Ride
5. Disaster Transport
6. Blue Streak
7. Corkscrew

Green Circle [again...]
1. Junior Gemini
2. Woodstock's Express

Now, by definition, any Premier coaster gets the double diamond for extreme pain.
There you go, this responds to the new rumor topic of some idiot suing CP for g's on MF. If MF is a lower intensity rating than the 5 up there, it's ok.
Frankly, force wise, MF is nothing. It's barely there. The most I felt on the ride was the wind hitting me in the face.
And the G's cresting the bottom of the first hill.

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