Three train operation?

Thursday (5/25) All three trains were running all day! (Or at least until 7pm when I left!) They were running beautifully too! As soon as one hit the brake run, another came zooming up the lift! I only waited an hour, but I was there when the line opened. It's sweet! That 3rd train really makes a difference in how fast the line moves. They wern't even stopping on the lift either. I sat in yellow car 6 and caught MAJOR airtime during the ENTIRE 3rd hill! I couldn't believe it because my first ride was in the very back which had little if no airtime. :)

aIrtIme'S oVeRrAtEd...
Great! Now, things are going our way!

America's Roller Coast

woo hoooo!!!
this means if i absolutley HAVE to go on a (Shudder) weekend, the lin might be bearable...good thind i haven't seen Loiue in a year...lots to catch up on!!!!
can't believe they cancelled the Simpsons after all these look sad and say D'OH!!
All trains were running on Thursday evening (at least by 6pm they were), and the wait time was only 70 minutes. Hey---my first rides on Raptor, Magnum, Mantis, and Mean Streak came after a lot longer wait! Okay, the "official summer season" begins this weekend, and maybe things will get crazy again, but 70 minutes is NOT BAD at all!

And the long lines at MF mean shorter lines at the other 'coasters are really quick-loaders. Walk-on at the Magnum, with the disembarking passengers waiting to see if the next train would be filled, and, very often, getting a
"ride-again", without leaving the platform.

(BTW, I have written to Beth Naser, of the Sandusky Register, to let her know one cannot report about opening day, and then not update the story when it appears several days later. She's still writing about seven-hour waits!)
Lines were about 2 hours on Friday w/ 3 trains all day.

Did they run 3 trains all weekend long ?
To answer your question in short, YES.

America's Roller Coast
Jeff's avatar
...except when they took trains off for various reasons, including wheel replacement.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 23
Kind of off topic, but Jeff, were you there Saturday when the wheel had to be replaced? I thought that I saw you on MF when I was in the queue. It was kind of hard to tell, since the train goes by so fast, but the person I saw was the only one I had seen besides me who looked under the track through the overbanked turn. I don't know, just wondering...
Jeff's avatar
Nope, I was only there Monday, but Dan filled me in wheel replacement.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 23

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