Three hour waits: People don't get it.

Jeff's avatar
By now you've read that there were three hour waits today. There are two problems related to this.

The first is that they were only running two trains. Why? One of the ride ops indicated they haven't been able to move the trains fast enough. The seat belts (which have a different buckle than what you're used to) take a little practice, and they probably need two more people on each side of the platform to check the restraints. When they can do three trains, the slow lift engagement will be fast, yanking the train out of the station.

The other problem, which I attribute to enthusiasm, is that everyone wanted to be in that line. I watched Mantis run half-empty trains and the rest of the park had walk-on to 15 minute waits.

What am I getting at here? Three trains and a crowd that isn't full of enthusiasts and you'll have that two hour cap I've been talking about.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
I kinda figured that would happen, Jeff. Since AAA day isn't that popular to the GP, I figured it would be full of people like us who have been waiting a long winter for a taste of MF. May 25th really can't come fast enough now that all these ride reports are in!
Jeff's avatar
Don't get me wrong... the day had 30,000 people easily. I know the AAA tickets sold out, but the Longaberger folks could also buy tickets, and several of the key sponsors were also sold tickets for their employees. By all standards, it was a home run day. Longaberger probably had about the same or more on Saturday.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
There were not 15 min. walk ons for everything, all the lines for the biggies were avarage. I waited longer for the mean streak then ever, the raptor was about a 45 till the station, the Power Tower was walk on yes, but the Mantis? I'm not sure what time you were then but between 3-6 there was a 45 min to get into the station.
Well For everyone Complaining about the LINES I LOVED IT AND I AM STICKING TO IT

Agree with ya leeroy-- For me even the power tower was a wait of about 35-40 minutes. Only had one of the ups going while I was waiting slowing everything up. Took me just a touch under 45 minutes for the raptor. I had walk-ons on the Gemini, Corkscrew, and the ole-Blue Streak.
The lines were horible, but what do you execpt for the Tallest, Fastest, ext. Coaster in the world... only running 2/3 of the capacity it is soposed to run? That was very funny though, watching the CP crew build more line!!!

When I got in like for it.... I started at the Entrance to the queue, but that was in the "other line" I had to walk (along with a lot of others) all the way past the end of Snake River Falls.... then turn around and head back to the ride, that took about 20-30 then we stood in line for about 1:20-1:30... then waited for a care for about 10... overall it was about a 2 hr wait. This was at 10:30 in the morning though =) *** This post was edited by Leeroy669 on 5/8/2000. ***
great site Jeff---- Ij ust found it and after today's big day I just felt like talking with someone about it.

I'm not complaing about the lines either. IT IS A PARK. You have to expect that to a certain degree. Far as the three and a half hours it went really fast. Great people in line cuz we knew it's kinda historic getting to go on it the first couple days ya could.

The people running the MF had pure energy. REALLY!!!! getting the people pumped up and cheering. Better then some of the boring operators they have up there.
Well I kinda like these AAA days and such. I hope they do it again next year. I mean Millennium Force, reliable roadside service and trip-tics! Thats the best $67 bucks I have spent in some time.


For anyone complaining about the lines and ended up riding it today, I am sorry that the MF crew had to see your face...

To start this is a new ride and and the crew and park management are probably using everyone today as "gunna pigs" to try to set up a rythem to work with this ride to move people as fast as possible in the future. As far as only 2 trains and not 3 running, let me know if I'm wrong, but I keep hearing that there was a problem with one of the trains witch keep it from being used.

...let's not forget as well that the crew is probably not making a whole lot above minimum wage, and probably had to deal with a lot of crap over the weekend getting things in order. I did not ride myself, but my congrats to the MF crew for kicking off this ride this weekend no matter what problems may have surfaced, and a "big shame on you" to anyone who compained.

(edit) the weather today was also unseasonably hot, that did not make matters any better for the MF crew...
"Magnum is very good value!" -- A RCT Guest on Magnum *** This post was edited by Vince on 5/8/2000. ***
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
I figured that all people would be in line all Day at Mf which was why I hit MF 1st to get it out of the way...And the rest of the day..well I concur with jeff..I rode everything at will (on/0ff) without waiting with the exception of 1 15min wait on Raptor..heck I got on and off Magnum about 4 times straight without waiting..Too me yesterday was a riders heaven except for the MF wait..But Man what a rush MF was!!! I can't wait to ride again!!

Jeffrey Spartan and Proud New PAPPA
MSU National Champs 2000
Jeff's avatar
Yellow wasn't running because they weren't certified to run it.

Regarding the crew, they were extremely enthusiastic and did a good job for working under operating procedures that will likely be revised over time.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
Does anyone know if the ride will be running all three trains on Saturday, May 13 (Sad Smiles)?

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."
Im guessing yes because of there first ride auction, 122 people = 3 trains.
Jeff's avatar
We probably won't know until that day. Of course, if I learn otherwise on Thursday, I'll let you know (as will several other members).

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Park visits May 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, etc...
sorry, i meant 108 people in the auction...
To anyone that complains about long lines on MF: It could be worse... at least CP can have their new coaster up and running on time. *cough* SOB *cough*.

The Samurai has spoken.
LuvRaptor's avatar

We waited 1.75 hours-my bad due to just HADDA ride Raptor 1st-that was kinda cool-my 10 yr old finally tall enough to fly-so it was my kids and I in the front car-first train of the day!
We then of course had to go to Mantis so my 10 yr old could finally ride that-we got 2 rides in-
literally a walk on too-then we did MF
a 4 hour wait would have been worth it
I was NO disappointed in the wait at all-
the ride was the most awesome thing I have ever been on-
worth the 9 month wait
the anticipation
the crew was AWESOME!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
Oh great so I can expect five hour waits on June 2nd, which happens to be Coastermania or something. Oh well, I'm not bumping my trip back anymore.
I think not. You are off by about...uh...3 hours. Anyway, members get longer ride hours.

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