we all know about the silly rummors at thrillride,but this one has to top them all.the latest rumor is that sandcastle suites will be raised and in its place the blue streak will be relocated....but wait theres more...also said that the corkscrew is being relocated to anther park.i look foreword to these rumors every week-there a great laff.
Is this a mistake that this is duplicated?
What's Life If You Never Get To The Point?
This one is not a rummer though.
(Hint, edit and delete post and thread)
Joe, just so you know, only a moderator can actually use those. It won't work for anyone else.
Monster Ride Host for 2 Years
3 Years Total @ CP
*** This post was edited by Monster Ride Op on 1/9/2001. ***
How far are they raising it?
oops-I posted this as I was walking out the door for work.i typed it so fast that I misspelled.now im trying to go back and fix it and i cant edit the topic for some reason.i also must of accidently loaded it twice-sorry.
I never tired to delete my own post and I always thought you could. Since if you try to delete your post and you were the one who started it, you have to close the thread too. I did not see the word (moderators only) by this little unique feature so I always thought you could.
Oh, and I just double posted something and I could delete my own post. I guess if you start a "topic" though you can't delete it. I don't want to try it though.
Also I just got Mantis Crews Joke and I am kicking myself for missing it OUCH. When I was little and I read that they "razed" a coaster or building, I thought that they actually raised it.
*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 1/10/2001. ***
ok, its too damn late to be trying to figure this all out twice ;)
if I used spell check on this post,this signature will not have any misspellings!!!!
You CAN delete your own post if the thread is open by clicking edit, checking the box and submitting.
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Closed topic.