Think this will happen in Ohio?


*** This post was edited by Jeff 8/21/2002 4:34:53 PM ***

I don't think we will until something federal is handed down. Shouldn't really affect CP too much though. CP already has a 5 G limit as it is.
*** This post was edited by ddogg 8/21/2002 9:22:23 PM ***
No,this is just some whining liberal wanting the government in the back pocket of everyone and everything. Do they really think parks are stupid enough to build rides that will harm people? What sense would there be in that? Watch, next year there will be some government tax on rides based on their potential g forces :)
I've said it before, and I guess I'll keep saying it until you people get it...

New Jersey's standard is based on the ASTM draft standard. If/when the ASTM standard passes, New Jersey's law will be rescinded and replaced with a reference to the ASTM standard.

Many states, including Ohio, refer to the ASTM standards for amusement rides, so if/when the ASTM standard passes, it WILL affect Ohio.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

As long as they keep it at 5.6gs there really isn't a problem there for theme parks since most rides don't pull that many gs. Now if they lower than it gets bad.

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