Things that drive me crazy @ CP II

I started this reponse to LuvRaptor's thread but I thought it needed its own threa:

THIS IS ONE THING THAT I REALLY, REALLY HATE. Its gets underneith my skin and it drives me crazy. Its the park reride policy or the lack there of. Point in case; I was at SFO a few nights ago, there reride policy is that for the last ride of the night if there is an empty seat in the train you get to ride again. So Batman was running two trains and my brother and I timmed it so we were in the third to the last train of the night. When our train pulled into the station there were about 15 people in the station waiting for the last ride, there were plenty of extra seats so we were able to ride again. After our second ride everyone on the train was screaming "one more ride" as we pulled into the station. When the floor came up on Batman the restraints didn't and a few seconds later the train on the circuit cleared the lift and we were off. Reriding like that is such a nice gesture and its a concept that Cedar Point has yet to adapot and probably never will! How many times have you been in the back of the park at night and have seen empty seats on mean streak, mine ride, corkscrew, gemini, if there are people that are willing to ride let them. This would work good on pleasing guests for days like yesterday. Hands down yesterday (9/12) was the busiest day of the season. All of the big rides had their extended queus filled. For the last hour or so mean streak, gemini, corkscrew, magnum and others had many many empty seats on their trains. Why not let people get more out of their experience especially on days were its really crowded and they might not get a chance to ride when the park is less busy. I know a lot of people on the MF crew and Park Op throws a fit when there are empty seats on the ride. How come they don't throw a fit when Magnum could be sending full trains. They are paying ride ops to work the rides, they are paying maintenance to keep the rides going, why not get the most out of the money that they are paying these people and let guests reride.

daniel (who could have had over 1000 rides on Magnum last year if CP had a reride policy.) haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
How crowded was it at the point, yesterday. I was there last saturday 8-5 and it was pretty packed....?
hey RRacer I was there last Saturday also. Lets put it this way, there were cars parked on the grass, cars parked around Blue Streak and Mean Streak, and cars parked on the grass around the Marina and Cedars.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Thats funny! Friday was not busy at all! Only 1 hour waits for Millennium Force!!!
A couple of years ago about five of my friends and I were in the back of the park riding Snake River Falls we were probably the only people back there. So we got on SRF rode it, came back and saw that no one was in sight. So we asked if wae could just stay on the ride they Said no we have to go out the exit and come back. I mean we rode it like 15 times and it got kind of annoying.

Remember, line jumping is NOT a sporting event!
Jeff's avatar
Yesterday was 9/12? Geeze... that nap was longer than I thought!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
Millennium Force laps: 35
Kind of a Rumplestilskin effect, eh Jeff? *GRIN*

I do agree, however, there ought to be a sort of re-ride policy, but only when the ride is empty and you won't be cutting in front of people. It would make a lot of sense, like you said Dan, for when the entire park is so busy - then why not? But the reason is that management keeps strict track of the number of riders per hour, and that is done via the turnstile. If people aren't going through the turnstile, then they aren't figured in that count. The last hour, especially, could really make a difference like that! I don't think it would be too hard, however, for ops just to estimate and add it to the count. I wish we could have, because it would do a world of good for pleasing guests! *Grin*

Disaster Transport '97 Crew
Iron Dragon '98 Crew
The only ones that don't do re rides are the coasters. Flat rides often give rerides. Jr. Gemini also always gives rerides! :)

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!
I hate the re-ride rule. Wasn't there a time when CP would allow this? I remember back around 1990 when I was there on the last day of operation and it was a misty rain all day. There was no one in the park. The Magnum was a walk on and there would be no one waiting in the station. They let us re-ride all day as long as no one was waiting when the train came back. Maybe it was just ride ops being nice. I had the same situation at Mich. Adv. this year with the opposite result. There was no one waiting in line and I wanted to ride again. I asked the ride op and she said sorry, no, park policy. So I had to walk back around. In the meantime they sent two trains out 1/3 full. What a waste! Why do parks have this policy if no one is waiting??
The main problem may not be the ride counters.

I seem to remember that the park used to allow rerides some years ago. The park probably made it policy not to do this because if they do it for one person they have to do it for everyone. Plus someone might have gotten a reride on an empty Corkscrew and came back later, waited in line and wondered why they couldn't get another reride.

This may have been done to help eliminate line jumping.

The parks reriding policy has been discussed so many times on this board that I find it hard to believe that the park is just ignoring this request. As they do read this site I think there is a reason they stopped the rerides.

Dispatch Master, This is Transport one! I'm losing control, I'm losing control!

This exact situation arose on our yearly trip in July. A buddy and I happened to be on the third to last train of the night on Magnum. When we returned to the station, there were four...yes FOUR! people waiting to board what would be the last train of the night, 2 waiting for the front, two for the ejector seat. We exited the car and realized we may be treated to a double ride. When we hesitated a ride-op came up and asked us if there was a problem...but not in a concerned tone, in more of a sarcastic tone of voice. We simply asked if it'd be ok to stay on for the last ride being as they were sending up the last train with just 4 riders. The reply? "No." So then my friend asks if they're really going to send the train with 4 riders and why would it matter if we just got back into our cute little spot in the middle of the train. The reply? "Bye bye." I swear it! It was the coldest, most unamused response I'd ever seen from a ride-op at the Point. I'm even willing to understand if she tells us there's some sort of policy and it'd be unfair blah blah blah, but she was cold.

It really put a damper to the end of an otherwise outstanding day at CP.

lordgonchar, I got the same kind of terse response at Mich. Adventure when I wanted to re-ride Shivering Timbers as I mentioned previously (4 people were in line!). I got "Sorry, park policy, you'll have to go around" very sarcastically. I was having a great time up to that point (I guess I can't complain to much as I got 20 rides in 3hrs on ST). It must be some type of power trip for some ride ops. I understand if it is park policy (even if it is stupid) but you don't have to be a jerk about it.
That is a stupid policy. If no one is waiting in your spot, why do you have to get off? CP is the exception to the reride rule- most Six Flags, PKD, the Busch parks, Universal all allow you to stay on if no one is waiting. WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL??? I can't understand how such a cool park can have such an anal rule.
CP may be the exception to the rule but remember CP runs the lines at the end of the day...If you are in line by closing you get to ride that ride. (and it seems Raptor and MF BOTH "close" thier line a few minutes after the park closing time)
While it may not seem "fair" keep the General Public in mind. CP does not come up with policies just to upset the "fanatics".
Have you ever been on the Magnum platform when a "special access rider" was put into the train? I saw this recently and a group of six became extremly hostile, the ride ops had to come over an explain the situation. (not the only time this has happened). Now, imagine the "reride" because you happen to be in a seat that is empty at the time. Others will see this and then think cool I get two rides in a row, the train comes back into the station there is someone waiting for that seat and that guest who saw you ride twice has to "get out".
Again, we do not agree with every policy/procedure CP has in place but remember CP does not just make up rules to upset us.

I was at Holiday World and the re-ride policy is just that. If nobody is waiting for the seat that you are in, you may re-ride. If someone is waiting for your row, you must exit the ride. It seems that is fair and keeps the trains full. I admit that CP has many more guests on a given day, and that running half full trains are rare, but if a dead day near the end of the season arises, why not let the guests have a few re-rides.

As for the turn-stalls, I cannot see how ANY park really relys on these things. How many times do you see little kids (or not so little punks) turning the thing 20+ times just because it is funny to them? The total for the day must be alot higher than actual count due to this.

Only 2,290½ miles from Cedar Po!nt.
Ok, call me an idiot if you must, but when I was at the park in June, I don't recall going through any turnstiles. Am missing something? I remember them when I was a kid, but not recently.

Ok, you're an idiot! ;)

All the coasters have a turnstyle right at the entry to the station. All the flat rides do too. Heck, you even go through turnstyles to enter and exit the park.

There's turnstyles everywhere and I can't get away from them!!! :)
I was waiting for the train back by mean streak and these two people started to swing dance in the station. I also hate when the train rolls back when it stops.
This is one more thing I hate and personally I think its totally riude for employees to say to park guests. Someone (and who ever started it should be shot) started this saying, every time the last train of the night pulled into the station the person on speils would say "you wanna ride again?" Everyone in the train would start screaming, then the ride op would say "ok how about that RIDE home." Personally I think its mean and stupid.

hey Tim, remember the rule benefits the GP just as much and the die hards!

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
....and to add to Dan's post: I hate it when there is like 10 minutes left of riding and the ops say "how about another ride?" Everyone screams and the op says, "well get off and go around to the exit." that makes me mad.
3 Force rides:
3-2, 5-1, 9-2

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