Theming On Trains Not out of the Question


Tuesday, April 6, 2004 8:51 AM
Jeff's avatar
A slick broke off the train and went sailing into the are under Iron Dragon as I understand it.

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What time does the water show start?



Tuesday, April 6, 2004 10:33 AM
What?! Perdue, I don't remember random objects falling from the sky.... ;)
- Chris -
Monster/WW ATL 02
Monster WW TL 03
Antiques/Swings TL 04


Tuesday, April 6, 2004 2:33 PM

Jeff said:

You'd think they would've learned that after seeing trains slide around on Millennium Force the first year!

They added a few sensors to slow the trains down before they reach the normal stop position. They only work on the main line going forward. TTD does the same thing, but only does it on the main line. The motors are driven by 3 phase AC at 60 Hz in the transfer areas. On the main line, they use inverters to rectifiy and rebuild the AC power. Changing the frequency and thus motor speed is possible only with the use of inverters. The problem is the inital cost. Those things cost thousands of dollers per block, and there are 6 blocks in the transfer area.

There is a difference between excess costs and cutting corners. I think inverter controled motors in the transfer area are unneeded.

Eddy the retard is awesome.


TTD 120mph

Tuesday, April 6, 2004 9:15 PM
TTD 120mph's avatar
Now that we know that the mystery of the plastic wrap is solved, I just thought I might show you all my idea of what CP should do.....fin wise to the trains.



Tuesday, April 6, 2004 9:27 PM
Aerodynamics is not the reason than the theming will not return. Nice picture though

Eddy the retard is awesome.



Wednesday, April 7, 2004 8:46 AM
That's a really good picture. WOW.

- Chris -
Monster/WW ATL 02
Monster WW TL 03
Antiques/Swings TL 04



Wednesday, April 7, 2004 9:18 AM
I don't believe the themeing is coming back because they used the same picture from their homepage (of the blue train coming down after the twist) in the Getaway Guide and in the picture in the Getaway Guide the themeing has been edited off, and so the back car looks empty.

Best Buy Front Lanes '01
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Friday, April 9, 2004 4:21 AM
The incident with the wheel falling off last year. Jeff you were pretty much head on I was in line when it happend it fell off when the train hit the bottom of the hill right before the finish line. the funny thing is that they didnt notice it for another two train launches afterwards. Another thing to bring up about the bumpers on the train is that they dont help that much. I dont know how fast the motors in the unload station for mf are but in 2002 twards the middle of the year the train did not stop in the unload station. the tire(s) just kept pushing the train and who ever was at unload controls didnt notice that the train wasnt stoping and it hit the train in load and there was alot of damage to both trains.


I am a Mechanical Engineering major not an english major so pardon my horrible grammar

Very funny click Here


Red Garter Rob

Friday, April 9, 2004 8:26 AM
Purdue University Engineer said:

Hi to our friends at Camp Snoopy, Paddlewheel Excursion, and Monster.

All hail the Cellphone of death!!!

June 11th, 2001 - Gemini 100
VertiGo Rides - 82



Friday, April 9, 2004 9:03 AM
Hail, Hail Oh mighty cellphone. Eh, um, I'll just be quite now, and go curl up in my corner. :)

*Curls up in corner, twitches as the shadow of the phone overcomes the shadow casted by me.*

Hmmm. Sounds like the beginnings of a B horror flick.....

On a serious note, I must've missed that one. I don't remember hearing about that.
- Chris -
Monster/WW ATL 02
Monster WW TL 03
Antiques/Swings TL 04
*** This post was edited by Flisk 4/9/2004 9:05:10 AM ***


Shawn Meyer

Monday, April 12, 2004 10:49 PM
They could still add the spoiler that didn't fall off. I think even without the tires it will still look good. I would just try to add the fake engine and the spoiler.

Favorite Thrilling Coaster:: Millennium Force
Favorite Intense Coaster::Top Thrill Dragster



Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM
liebevision's avatar
Shawn... to put back on the engine, they would have to remove the additional row of seating and have to re-work the station... again. The engine is never coming back. The spoiler could though

Arms down.....Arms down.....Arms down.......Arms down.....Arms down....Arms down...(you think they would get it the first time?!)

2003-TTD-15 Rollbacks-1
2004- Demon Drop (first year)



Tuesday, April 13, 2004 2:30 PM
A spoiler and motor are already used on at least one of the display Hearses for Halloweekends, so there is a set gone in itself. Plus the added seats put in is no temporary installation of course, so that made my mind up we wont see it back on the TTD trains.

"Id rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy."


Shawn Meyer

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 2:38 PM
Your right. I think the spoiler itself on the back would make the trains look like Top Fuel Dragsters.

Favorite Thrilling Coaster:: Millennium Force
Favorite Intense Coaster::Top Thrill Dragster


Shane Denmark

Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:25 PM
Ooh! Ooh! Anyone notice that on the map in the new Getaway Guidke that TTD has the spoiler and tires? OHMYGOD!!!!!11! The theming is coming BACK!!1!

But then again, what do I know?



Wednesday, April 14, 2004 2:12 PM
Gomez's avatar
If you noticed in the Getaway Guide all the picture of TTD and the trains the theming was either missing, the seats were already put in, or the back car was cut out of the picture like the picture on the roller coaster page. I don't know but it does seem like CP is trying to forget about it and trying to get everyone else to forget about it. Of course the train would look better with it on but it's not safe for what ever reasons. It took me a long time to get over it but it the truth is that the theming is gone and chances of it coming back are very rare.

Shane, the map doesn't mean anything. Wicked Twister doesn't have the extra supports does that mean they are going to be taken off, highly doubtful.

Opening Day - May 8, 2004 :) It's coming

Keep Arms Down, Head Back, and Hold On!!


Shane Denmark

Wednesday, April 14, 2004 10:23 PM
Sorry, forgot the ;) denoting sarcasm...

But then again, what do I know?


Shawn Meyer

Wednesday, April 14, 2004 10:36 PM
I was just thinking alone with the two extra seat that are now in the back, that actually looks really good without the theming. I would like to see it come back, but it's highly doubtful. We still have the theming with the Traffic light, the lights on the tower, the announcer saying ARMS DOWN, HEAD BACK AND HOLD ON!

Favorite Thrilling Coaster:: Millennium Force
Favorite Intense Coaster::Top Thrill Dragster


Ben Englund

Thursday, April 15, 2004 3:17 AM

JuggaLotus said:
I heard they were putting the theming back on the trains, and giant target beyond the tower. Whichever ride-op can land a wheel closest to the target gets a bonus. You guys better start practicing.




'04 Twister ATL
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Thursday, April 15, 2004 8:37 PM
Gomez's avatar
I think someone on this site photoshoped this picture to show what the train would look like if the spoiler and tires were added with the 2 extra seats there.

here's what the train would look like if the theming was once again put on (sorry for the bad quality, I had to scan it from a paper)

Here's what the train orginally looked like
Opening Day - May 8, 2004 :) It's coming

Keep Arms Down, Head Back, and Hold On!!


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