The wind effecting Wicked Twister

Will the wind effect wicked twister any?
Seeing as how the tops of the towers sway I would say yes. Even the rides whose track doesn't really sway are affected by the wind. Take Raptor for instance... or Magnum...
Do you think they will have to shut it down a lot? Ive been to CP and MF was only open for a few hours cause the wind. I hope WT isnt effected to much
Usually the other rides are shut down because they may roll back in the wind, while it is really impossible(or should I say OK) for Wicked Twister to roll back, I don't think it will be shut down a lot due to wind.

- Andrew Hyde

You don't have to worry about the wind "effecting" the thing.  It might affect it, but not effect it...
"If we go any faster, she'll blow apart for sure!"
The only problem i see with the wind is a lot of blowing sand. Are they going to put some wall up to block it? It might help some, but just like the employee parking lot. It still gets covered. I guess we will see.

Magnum Crew 1999 (BEST CREW MAGNUM HAS EVER HAD :) )

Raptor Crew 2K

Millennium Force 2K1

Turnpike Cars/Calypso ATL 2K2

Jeff's avatar
Well seeing as how the the ride is inverted, what difference does it make? I'm sure you'll get a little sand up on the platform from time to time, as that whole area is sand-prone in the winter, but it's really not any different from brushing off leaves or other blowing stuff.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Wasn't it mentioned somewhere in this forum that the "sway" might have been eliminated from WT, from beefed up steel observations?

Tommy Penner - -
"Yes. The Force is strong in that one."

Jeff's avatar
I doubt it. I'm sure it'll still sway a little. That's a lot of unsupported track. Of course, an army of enthusiasts couldn't move it when it was on the beach (sinking).

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Yeah, the unsupported amount of track on WT and the other impulses are about the same, so they should sway the same amounts...if not, it should be pretty close.

MF count: 23

If WT didn't sway it would actually be MORE prone to fracturing.

Speaking of fractures, I'm pretty sure WT uses the same safety system as S:UE in that a couple times a day they shoot high pressure gas into the internal structure and if any leaks out they have easilly found the fracture.  Plus I'm pretty sure they monitor the amt. of pressure to find hairlines.

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
MF 9
S:UE 8

Just incase your interested......
All metals can deform a certain amount before they have permanent deformation.  If you like to number crunch like me the equation is
y= Px^2(x-3L)/6EI
x=height at any given time(L if you just want the top measurement) 
E=modulus of elasticity (for A36 steel its 2.9x10^4ksi and for stainless steel its 2.8x10^4 ksi)
I= the moment of inertia (good luck with this one, if somebody can find out the moment of inertia for WT's track they should work for Intamin)
There's a little more to it that that like shearing force and bending moments but thats about it.
and that folks was your Mechanics of Deformable solids lesson for today.  Good luck fellow engineers.

p.s.  Allowances go like this.  For each curcular shaft the equasion is this


t= allowance number(amount of bend before break

T=force     p=radius of shaft

J = pi*r^4 /2 (for solid, r=radius)

J= pi/2 * (r^4-c^4)   r=radius  c=inner radius
"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
MF 9
S:UE 8

*** This post was edited by kakarot on 2/14/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar
How would the gas find anything? The end of each track section has no holes. Ditto for welded joints in the supports.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

If anybody has a closeup of S:UE you can see gas lines running up the track.  Unless I'm sadly mistaken then I'm sorry.  I thought I remembered seeing lines on the twist side of S:UE but again my memory is not as good as it used to be.  

If they don't use pressure then they might use criss-cross resistance meters to measure stress but it would make more sense to use gas because stress meters only measure very small sections of steel.

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
MF 9
S:UE 8

The line could controll the plungers but there is no reason that those wouldn't be gas-pressurised shocks.  But I'm no expert.

edit:  copy and paste the link.. It wont work if you click on it. 
"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
MF 9
S:UE 8/P

*** This post was edited by kakarot on 2/14/2002. ***

*** This post was edited by kakarot on 2/14/2002. ***

Jeff's avatar
Those are ladders and fall protection. They're attached to small brackets on the back and inside of the track. The only lines that run up there are electrical for a prox switch near the top (the switch that says, "This train has gone too far!").

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

Alrighty then.  You seem to have more connections to this subject then me.  Maybe you could ask around and find out how they check the track.  Does somebody climb the thing every morning before testing??

BTW:  that air freshener can is hilarious

"Who needs drugs when you have Cedar Point."
MF 9
S:UE 8

Jeff's avatar
It doesn't smell all that funny though. ;)

I don't know how often they visually inspect at the other parks, but I assume that Cedar Point will do it daily if they do Millennium Force every day. There's a straight shot up one of the supports to a platform at the top of the supports, and then from there you can tie on to the other ladder. There's a little channel in the thing (I assume) to latch into it for fall protection.

"As far as I can tell it doesn't matter who you are. If you can believe, there's something worth fighting for..." - Garbage, "Parade"

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