I was thinking that this piece could maybe be connected to a large tower for an overbanked turn like MF's first turn. There's a close up picture in the GTTP photo gallery. It's the last picture on the section "photos" in the MF section. The wierd piece would have more diagonal supports connected to it than the ones on MF.
Just a thought.
The only question now is where's there gonna be an overbanked turn if its L-TH-B.
What confuses me is the remaining 2 support connectors - for the maintenence elevator, the support should be on the other side. The most confusing part is the support connector on the far side, facing away from the camera. I personally have no clue where that could go.
My two one-hundredths of a dollar :)
Tommy Penner - Variable X @ starrynightmare.net/~vxtc
Cedar Point FanBoy since 2001
"I will hold you close, if you're afraid of heights." -- Incubus, Stellar
The next question is where will this one go? It will probably go up this next week. (I think I have it figured out. Anybody else have any guesses?)
House of Tomorrow: Only technology makes live worth living
Shortly I think you will see another bend in the back column, probably right after they get the 6th catwalk up. The current angle is aimed much too high to hit the big connector piece at a reasonable height above the projected 7th catwalk.
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