Does anyone know where I could find the video the one that is like a commercial. When I copyed it on to a cd it messed it all up so I am looking for it again.
------------- Jeff Webmaster/Guide to The Point Millennium Force laps: 50
How can you copy it onto a CD and view it again?
Why do you need to put it on a CD? It's not that big. Why can't it just sit on your hard drive?
------------- Jeff Webmaster/Guide to The Point Millennium Force laps: 50
Well jeff the reason I put it on a disk was so I could take space off of my hard drive. and Magnum Maniac the way you put on a disk (CD) is that you tell the cd burner you want to have a data cd and not an audio cd
o yeah thank you Jeff for the help
------------ MF laps (2) I hate living so far away
hey Jeff the Video I was looking for was the one that Cedar Point had it was like 13Mb it was the one you could download and replay it not one you have to play through the web brouser, if you could get me a link to it I would be reall happy.
thank you
Try using the search feature on this site.
If you want the huge MPEG, I don't know what to tell you. As far as the QuickTime here on the site, if you have the full version there's an option to save to disk.
------------- Jeff Webmaster/Guide to The Point Millennium Force laps: 50