What was the rest of the day like? We already know about Millennium Force and Mine Ride. I am curious about Mean Streak and Disaster Transport. Have any of the coasters been repainted?
Millennium Force will be the next to sink!
I worked at CP for 5 summers while going to school (90-94), and i don't think they will ever paint mean streak! In 93, the summer was so dry, mean streak was closed for almost 2 months due to extreme heat and the dryness. They had to install water sprinklers through out the coaster to prevent cracking which i believe they are still in place! As for disaster transport, i can remember the first year was not that bad and if you can remember they had alot more effects, props, and most of the ride was dark with lighting in only prop areas, now look at it! What a waste! I was at Disney world in Feb., and at Disney studios they have a new rollercoaster, Rock'in rollercoaster, and it was great. It was a indoor rollercoaster with several loops. CP could very easily do maybe with Disaster transport. The building was maybe just as big as the Disaster Transport area.
I;m fairly sure that the Rockin Rollercoaster building is MUCH larger then DT, and that the show building is what you probaly saw and that large building out back that looks like a souns stage is actually the ride bulding (just a little Disney magic go to http://members.tripod.com/~GLBsCoasterZone/rock1.html to see what I mean). Also I think that the onl diffrences on DT was that in the Helix right before the "I'm losing control" part there are now many little flash bulbs that flash on and off and kind of look like stars.
Rock n' Roller Coaster is WAY bigger than DT. If you're up in the Tower of Terror sometime, look off to your right to see how large the ride really is.
Duane Cahill
Coming soon to an amusement park near you.
Hey JeremyG, you're right! I wasn't sure if I was the only one who noticed the flash bulbs in the large helix. They were a nice touch even though they aren't much....makes you think that that ride still does have SOME potential....