the next two years

This is my projection. Because CP just put in MF, they'll do the boardwalk project in 2001. To keep up with the most coasters, they'll put in a medium sized woodie or wild mouse. In 2002, they'll get a B&M floorless. That's what I think will happen...of course, maybe they'll surprise us all and re-do the Mean Streak!

Jeff's avatar
That's probably the most rational guess I've heard. I'm more confident than ever that we'll get our waterfront development, but I don't know what it'll include. I'm still pulling for a nice little woodie, but who knows.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
A nice new coaster that isn't the highest fastest world record breaker that would be great. Go back to the basics like they have at Knotts.
Instead of a floorless I think they should or would put in a woodie like gemini size.

201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI
I really like that idea. Nothing wrong with another woodie. It just might draw a few more riders away from raptor also.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
i think cp should put in dueling floorless coasters. have each one have 8 inversions. make them follow different courses. they would be the first dueling floorless coasters. cp would also hold the inversion title at one park(29, current record 26). they would also tie for most inversions on a coaster.those are just some thoughts. cp couldnt just put in a floorless. their are too many of them now. i would like to the boardwalk with a wooden coaster maybe in a figure 8 or some old time cyclone thing with white supports and red track. i like that parking lot idea thing too. i just want to say one thing: I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR OF A STUPID INVERTED STAND-UP. thank you
"We ain't got no place to go, so lets go to the PUNK rawk show", MxPx's Punk Rawk Show
*** This post was edited by punk on 4/9/2000. ***
I still want a Woodie, but if they do get a floorless it better be dueling with 8 inversions 'cause that would be Awesome, but I would rather see a Woodie.

201.3 Miles to the Point from Owosso MI
i think that cedar point needs a new woodie and a really good sit down looper. I also wish cedar point would do a better job with the theaming of coasters. *** This post was edited by Tyler Baker on 4/10/2000. ***
A few years back Kinzel was quotes as saying "you will never see a wooden coaster here at Cedar Point again." I am not sure if that is 100% true or not. Then again this was before CCI and GCI started producing some great coasters. This was more around the time when Mean Streak and Dorney's Hurtuclese, opps I mean Hercules were having their problems.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
Jeff's avatar
That was before he inherited Ghostrider at Knott's!

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"
AHHH!!! I can't bear to believe that! 'No more wooden coasters here...ever!" It can't be!
I agree on the boardwalk with a medium woodie- except make it a classic racer- one continuous track.

"Carnies built this country, the carnival part of it, anyway." - Homer
I'm betting on a mouse with spinning cars. It just seems like a good fit with the project as I picture it.
As far as wood goes, I almost hope they don't do it. Don't get me wrong, nobody likes a good middle sized woodie more than me, but given that CP is 0 for 2 in the wood department I think maybe they should stick with what they are comfortable with.
Well Blue Streak is a very good small wooden coaster IMO, in fact, that small coaster is better than some of big wooden coaster out today. Im sure if it were bigger it would easily be ranked very high.
Blue Streak WAS a very, very good coaster. As fine an example of it's style as you could find anywhere but CP decided to screw it up. We have discussed MS's ride and BS's trains over and over. My point is not to do that again. I'm just saying that CP has not done well with wood and maybe they should stick with what they have done well.
I agree -- Cedar Point is not QUITE 0-2 on wooden coasters. They're 0.5-2 :) Blue Streak was a GREAT ride, and is still a lot of fun.

A spinning wildmouse would be cool, but honestly I'm not sure I'd enjoy it as much as an outdoor coaster (the only one I've ridden is Kennywood's Exterminator, and spinning wildly in the dark was FUN. Even my friend who can't take spinning rides, but loves coasters, liked the Exterminator, because without visual reference for the spinning it didn't upset her stomach...)
All they need to do is call up CCI

I think the wild mouse would work indoors. Either way that would fit w/ the "boardwalk" and keep the coaster count up. the floorless dueling coaster... hmmm... I figure if CP want another looper they will SMASH the record for most inverted; not jsut tie it. ;)
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?" (as stated by my best-friends about CP)
Cedar Point does not just go to "tie" records, THEY DESTROY THEM! The tallest coaster before MF was Fujiyama in Japan. The biggest drop was Goliath's at SFMM. Both around 255 ft. Cedar Point could have just made a 275 ft. No, they had to break the milestone! If they do build a floorless (Even though there are too many as it is) it WILL break records. As far as the Wild Mouse, it would go along with CP's recent attempt at becoming a true family park again. Camp Snoopy was a big milestone as far as that is concerned. Can we even imagine what CP will build 10 years from now? Can we say 400 ft. coaster!

Homer Simpson: Will you stop your spontaneous cussing?
Bart Simpson: Hell yeah.
Too many floorless coasters?

No way. How many inverteds are there now?

Think of the floorless as a good sitdown looper with an extra little trick. Even without the "floorless" cars, CP COULD stand to add another good sitdown looper.

Personally I'd rather have CP go to CCI or GCI and say "ok, guys, design the coaster of your dreams to fit on this new boardwalk here...", but if they were to say the same thing to B&M I don't think many of us would be complaining :)

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