the most fun I ever had in a q line,was for magnum.peaple brought in beach balls and even decapitated stuffed animals to toss about.i would have to say that the magnum q line is the funnest q question is,what q line do you think is the most fun to be in?
I dont think its the ride itself that makes the queue line fun--think its who you with. I think the most fun I ever had in a queue line was definitely Mantis w/my partner in crime back during PM ERT @ Coastermania. Dont even ask why you just HAD to be there!!!
Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
I would say the offseason is taking its toll on these boards.
Proud to be a Cedar Point Fanatic.
The most fun I've had in line was also for Magnum.It was in August of 99. It was raining, night, someone started tossing an inflatable eye and other stuff, good tunes. It was great! until the DJ stopped playing music until we stopped vollying things.
Magnum has the hypest queue. I don't think any roller coaster can beat it. Only I wish they would stop playing YMCA, and start playing the "Cha Cha Slide"
Number 1 And Only Cedar Point.
The MF queue on Opening Day was great times. Especially when we all saw that first blue train go up the lift, everyone was cheering, and then it disappeared, and everyone was waiting to catch a glimpse on the lagoon hills. Then when it hit that final turn, I took a few pictures and it was awesome. Actually I was really just thankful that I was IN the queue, and not one of the many people lining down the midway.
Times I have "Gone Full Force" on MF: 9
Chris G.
-Representin' Motown
In 1999, the Magnum line was awesome. It was just before dusk, the music was awesome, people were dancing, and I was imagining what it would be like the next year.
However, the most "electricity" in a line would be MF, especially towards the beginning of the season. It was like everyone were to be admitted into the "Brotherhood of The Force."
My first ride on MF. The hour in the queue was spent thinking about the ride.
Early in the season yeah. One day I was their (In early June when the park was actually OPEN till 10 PM) and lets just say the Force was not working that great.
It went down for an hour and most of the people in the queue started to leave. They ran like 2 teat trains during this time, and it was almost a half hour since any train circuited the track. All of a sudden I heard cheers from the crowd and to my delight I saw a train full of people waving their hands ascending the 310'11" lift hill.
Needless to say when the train finally passed the queue. Everyone in the train pointed in triumph to the queue. The queue then erupted and it was louder than a crowd when Manny Ramirez, uh. I mean now Juan Gonzolas hits home run at the Jake.
Geez hothitz, you took the words right out of my mouth. As soon as I saw the topic I thought the exact same thing you posted. I had the exact same experience in the Magnum line. Tossing the beach balls and decapitated stuff animals around was so much fun. Seems like after the first couple of years though, CP wouldn't allow it any more. Employees would take the beach balls away.
"My God Jim, Where Are We?" - Bones
magnum-august 99- It was about 9:30pm and it was starting to drizzle. There were also beachballs, and even a crowdsurfer believe it or not.i had been waiting about an hour and I was by the dj booth when he said "i got a little question for you all. how many of you think a 300 ft coaster would be cool next year.just wondering" It was the loudest non concert roar i had ever heard in my life! Then finaly i got the front car and as i was going up the lift they announced the ride was closed due to the rain. It felt like a thousand rocks being thrown at my face during the pretzel
i wonder why they take away the beach balls?if people are having fun,and no one is getting hurt ,what is the problem?
I remember having beach balls in the Matnis queue line. We were told by our sups to take them out of the line for saftey reasons/
I remember the force went down for an hour, then the q line started the WASSSSSSUUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPP thing. Then the DJ jumped in the line with a beachball that sading WASSSSSSUUUUPPPPP on it. It was funny.
I have to say that I enjoy the Magnum line probably the best, especially when the old music is playing and the crowd is into it. However, I was there last year and the DJ held a "dance contest" in front of the booth and the winner? Well, the winner got a lousy pin! I mean, you think they would give them a tee-shirt or something. Oh well......
"What Goes Up Must Come Down My Friends!"
Well me, my aunt, my crazy cousin and my brother were all waiting in the magnum line in 98 and there was 2 girls just sitting there making out. This was the first time I had ever seen to woman making out (exceot on TV). Some of the stuff I was hearing was so funny from the group of college guys in back of us and the reast of the line was staring at them. It was trully the most fun in a que