Finaly, on my 13th lap on MF I got to get the front. OMG IT WAS AWSOME! Nice space in the restraints, awsome airtime on the drop (lift your feet for summersault feel). Airtime EVERYWHERE! It was running hot that day. I have yet to ride the back when it was all warmed up, but right now, the front is awsome.
Car 5, Discovery Channel, look for me on the
on-ride discription.
MF Rides-14
did you get your protein from all the bugs..:)
mf laps = 39
No, I only got some added protein from on Magnum, lol...2 Since the park closes at 8 for the next to weeks(weekdays) I did'nt get a night ride this time, but I'm sure had I, I would have been covered.
Car 5, Discovery Channel, look for me on the
on-ride discription.
MF Rides-14
I rode at about 8:45 Wednesday night and even in 5-1 bugs were all over me, against my shirt, face, and hands. Still an awesome ride though. It started to rain then too so I didn't really know what were bugs and what were rain drops. It was my first time experiencing the bugs, and I've ridden front seat at night numerous times...
Whats life if you don't get to the point?
The front seat is the best when you're stuck at the top of the lift hill for 10 minutes like we were on Monday 21st:) Where's a camera when you need one?
You can fool others, but nothing you do is hidden from God.
JESUS rules :) :)
On my 2nd and final ride of MF for the season I was lucky enough to sit in the front car 2nd row. OMG what a view. It was awesome and the bugs were tasty. J/K but what a rush!
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
I was in the same seat on my 2nd and final lap of the season as well, petree. I have to say it was incredible!
Millennium Force laps: 2
Amen, hands down the most incredible ride of my life. And it was at night too. Even more thrilling!!! :) :)
"Your obssesed w/ that place aren't you?"
My last ride on MF for the season was also up front. That memory will last me through the winter.
My second and 57th rides were in the front seat, the first at the AAA day and the second one was at night. Its a great great ride but the airtime in the front car can't touch the airtime in car five.
daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
I have ridden the front twice out of my 11 laps, not bad odds huh? The last time I rode MF was on August 17 around 11:00pm, front seat and didn't get one bug splattered on me! It was a horrid day w/ the wind and rain I guess the bugs were also cold! :)
14 and Counting!
Got The Po!nt?
*** This post was edited by coast on 8/28/2000. ***
I was only able to ride the Force 3 times, back in early June. First ride, got 'stuck' in 5-2. Second ride, hoping for the front, made it to 3-2. Third and final ride, at 10:45 PM, Front row baby! Amazing...let me speechless. One out of three ain't bad at all in my book!
If you lost your voice, you had a good day coasting.
I guess my odds are pretty good considering I only got to ride it twice this year (on a trip from Florida). Got Front car, front seat left for my VERY FIRST RIDE!! What a way to start! Second and final time (at night) was in 2-1. Incredible rush, but I think I like the daytime better. You can't see how high you are very well at night...I like that thrill!
*** This post was edited by Shady Z on 8/29/2000. ***
The front is sweet.
Mantis How Much Can You Stand?
i had the front row my 2nd, and hopefully not my last ride this season, staring straight ahead during the lift hill and than watching the track seemingly curve under itself is a sight ill never forget, as for th airtime on the magnum hill ....whoa....
My second ride on MF was in the front and yes it was amazing. I thought it couldn't get any better until...I rode it twice yesterday in the back and if it's airtime you want baby, it's airtime you'll get. This ride gets better everytime I ride it. As for Magnum (my first love), it was running a little rough yesterday and almost seemed a little faster than usual. A lot of airtime of Magnum also yesterday, I think the tops of my thighs are bruised.
I was also there Wednesday. I swear, with your hands up in the front you can feel yourself slowly falling forward out of the seat as you go down the first drop. The airtime in the front is just incredible through out the entire ride. It is the greatest natural high I have ever experienced. 4 out of my 8 rides on MF have been in the very front. I have never been so lucky in my life.
The absolute best feeling is lifting your arms and legs on the first drop in 5-1 and 1-1. It feeling like you will do a complete sumersault(sp).
I was in the park all day yesterday. Later in the day I met up with my girlfriend and her parents and their friends. So the 6 of us got in line for MF. When we made it to the end of the line they stopped us. It ended up that my girl friend and I would get the front seat of the next train. We gave it up to her parents so that her dad could have the front seat, I ended up in car 7-2, still an awesome ride! Her dad loved the front, I bought their picture.
daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
*** This post was edited by Dan on 9/2/2000. ***