what is the force's wait time at 10:20ish when the park opens at 10? I want to ride Raptor first and I was wondering if it was a good thing.
It's usually around an hour +... I think U should hit MF first b/c You can get on in much less time In running of the bulls
Ahh! Not gonna try to read the last reply.
It really depends how long your staying. If you aren't staying very long head to the marina gate (if you don't know how to get there do a search) and you'll have a huge head start, easily getting a quick ride in; and then you could go to the raptor. Just depends how long you are staying, since the lines do thin out later in the day from my experience.
Ahh! Be Quiet punk THANKS :)
ride it around 5 or 6 in the evening if you can, we did that on both Fri. and Sat. and waited about 45 minutes each time, I dont think it gets much better than that
CPfan Stuck In Utah!!!!!!
Just go during the week and you will be fine. Just remember, the wait is worth it!
Live for FUN!
Don't let life fly by.
The Marina Entrance is definitly your best option as you'll be on one of the first 5 or so trains that leaves the station with the general public on it.
Matt - Skull Man of the Elite Eight
I stay crunchy...even in milk!