The Force havin problems?

Wondering what the problems were with Millennium Force this past weekend (Aug 25th and 26th)?

I love the answer I got at the office by Kiddie Kindom - "Mechanical Problems".   Well, duh!  Like it was gonna have "Mental" problems?

Next trip to CP on August 25th - 26th!

If it was down all day I certainly would hope they knew what the heck was wrong with it!

2001 Force Laps -126 
2001 Magnum Laps-250
6/11/01 Gemini Laps- 100

ShiveringTim's avatar
I was there yesterday, 8/26.  Around 2pm or so I took the CP&LE back to Fronter Town and noticed a couple blue-shirts climbing on the lift track.  My guess is that there were lift problems of the mechanical nature :)
Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie
So the lift wasn't having any health issues then, like the flu. Gotcha.

*** This post was edited by Joe E. on 8/27/2001. ***

ShiveringTim's avatar
They had problems for most of Saturday and early Sunday.  So it could have been a 24hr flu?? :)
Scott W. Short, Rail Junkie
I was told by some Millennium Force crew friends of mine that the cable was fraying. Intamin told CP that this was not sopposed to happen for like 5 years. But, the cable is replaced every 2 seasons. It must be just a bad cable or something. But, Intamin told CP not to run the ride until they give the okay. But, for them to okay it they had to come over here to CP. So they had to come over here to inspect and handle the problem. But, as Intamin was making it's way over here CP decided to run the ride anyway. Because it is hard for CP not to run Millennium. That is what I know as of now.
2000 MF LAPS: 117
2001 MF LAPS: 146
Gemini 100: 100
The cable is fraying??? WHAT! That doesn't sound so good...
Jeffrey Spartan's avatar
propaganda is never good..true or not...

mf laps = 100! No More No Less!!
Wheres the Electricity!

Jeff's avatar
In this case, I think it is true. The problem is, I suspect, that replacing it is an all-day affair, and not one that you want to deal with while the park is open. Once they drop daily operation, I'm sure they'll tackle it.

Watch my grass grow:

Or it will snap.......... 

Can't wait for Mania!
-2000 MF LAPS: 117
-2001 MF LAPS: 147
-Gemini 100: 100

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