Well, its finally that time of the year again. Time to gear up for another great season. However, I'm afraid that the winter is alittle to long. I've been ready for the point for quite awhile (especially w/ 85+ degrees everyday) but I won't be able to go until early June(baseball and school make a 5 hour trip difficult for only one weekend). I think I'm gonna go crazy. How would you recommend passing time for a couple more weeks so that I don't go insane thinking about getting to the point? I know my friends won't help with them rubbibg in how great MF is. Thanks.
Don't visit any roller coaster websites. Don't even look, hear, or associate yourself with anything that even comes close to a rollercoaster. Trust me, it works. You get that big rush the day you go.
Visit my RCT CP site.
man you are hit. You have to wait till june? Oh man, I feel the hurt!
Millennium Force Ride Count:0
I have to wait till June 2. COASTERMANIA!!!!!
My brother just said that we can stay for 2 days. YEAH!!!!!!
This will be the first time I've gone to the point 2 days straight.
Opening day(May13) will be my first day there and then we are going, hopefully, six day(definitely five)B4 COASTERMANIA! I hope to see you all there!
MF and that's my Final Answer ;)
Hey I'm going June 2nd too for school... Is this Coastermania? If it is, will everything be open and running the same?
Well, If you are not part of a coaster club, you can't get ERT on MF, Magnum, Raptor, and Mantis. My school is going that day too, but I figured: pay 2 bucks less with the school or pay 2 bucks more and get 6 hours of more riding time.