BTS Cedar Point
Wicked Twister 4ever
And the elevator? It's gotta be permanent, how else is maintence going to get to the top of this beast?
Tommy Penner - Variable X @ vxtc.blinkspot.com
Cedar Point FanBoy since 2001
I am a Mechanical Engineering major not an english major so pardon my horrible grammer
Brent Haley
Gemini Crew '02
Screamsters 2001
MF/Screamsters 2002
*** This post was edited by 99er 12/22/2002 2:26:39 AM ***
I am a Mechanical Engineering major not an english major so pardon my horrible grammer
They have just been filling it in.
"I can't make a movie or write a song either, but that doesn't mean I'm not entitled to think they suck."
Virtual Midway
*** This post was edited by Gemini 12/22/2002 10:53:57 AM ***
Cedar Point can not and will not be responsible for any thing lost or dammaged.
I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead
Virtual Midway
Remember, "Being fat can even ruin a romantic cruise"
1. Partie d'une rue ou d'une route reservee a la circulation des vehicules (par opposition a trottoir, a bas-cote) 2. Ecueil allonge et depassant legerement le niveau de la mer 3. Elevation de terre pour retenir l'eau d'une riviere, d'un etang, ou pour servir de chemin.
So I would say we are talking about the second definition here, which translates roughly as "Stretch of land slightly higher in elevantion than the level of the sea.". And the pronunciation in French sounds most like "show-say" rather than "chaw-see".
-- Harley
CP fan since 68.
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