The Cedar Point Sesquicentennial: Reflections on 150 Years of Fun

Mr. Potato's avatar

If anyone lives near Sandusky and is available at noon next Tuesday, John Hildebrandt will be at the Sandusky Library to speak about the impact the park has had locally and across the industry over its first 150 years. I’m a little bummed I work out of town and won’t able to go. Details here and below.

Tuesday, November 19, at 12:00 p.m.

H. John Hildebrandt, Author and Historian, presenter
A 40-year veteran of the park, Hildebrandt assesses the impact of Cedar Point on the history of Sandusky/Erie County and the amusement park industry.

Gemini 100 (6/11/01)

operative_me's avatar

Thank you for posting this! I have that day off and I think I shall try to attend.

Lifetime Laps on Woodstock Express: 0

Sollybeast's avatar

Oh, cool! If anyone makes it there, give the rest of us the details afterward. I really wish I could go but I live too far out :C

Proud 5th Liner and CP fan since 1986.

Skyhawk06's avatar

I wish I could make this too. But I'm just leaving college at the time that it starts.

Steel Vengeance rides: 217

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

Rusty's avatar

My office is right across the street from the library parking lot, but alas I have to be in Port Clinton at 11:00 today, so I am unable to take an extended lunch break.

Proud to have fathered a second generation coaster enthusiast destined to keep me young at heart and riding coasters with a willing partner into my golden years!

Skyhawk06's avatar

So it seems many of us won't be able to make this. If anything, has anyone made this?

Steel Vengeance rides: 217

I'd rather be sailing

Marina operations attendant 2021-2024

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