I wish I could stroll through the park right now, all lit up bright as can be, screams coming from the rollercoasters, and childrens faces smiling from ear to ear. Yes oh yes, I can taste those French Fries now, hear the roar of Millenium Force going by, and the Power Tower air thrusts bringing total glee to everyone around.
Yes oh yes, I do miss Cedar Point! When you think about, Cedar Point is such a special place in everyones heart, there is nothing else like Cedar Point! Nothing compares to Cedar Point, maybe its the location, maybe its the management, maybe its the seasonality, maybe its the array of award winning rides, maybe its the smell of Judy K. & Myron H. puffing along, maybe its the lighting of the park, maybe its the friendliness of the staff working at the park, maybe it is Dick Kinzel talking to park goers walking through the park as if he was a nobody, and maybe it is just Cedar Point! It is all of those things that make Cedar Point so special to everyone, both children and adults alike!
Cedar Point continuously gives, gives, & gives. That is what makes the park so special!
"Just Coasting" = "Coasting Along"
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