The most/least $$ you've ever spent at CP

LuvRaptor's avatar
Someone else asked a similar ?? which got me to thinking about these questions:
what is the most/least you have ever spent for ONE day at CP?
My most had to be over $300.00
bought discount tiks thru work (29.00/piece)
(no more of that for me this year-season pass!)
$7.00 for tankful of gas
$75.00 for hotel room for one night
(I was too excited about going to CP to comparison shop-grabbed the 1st hotel)
didnt bring own food or drinks (DIRE mistake)
it was 400 degrees outside that day
Daughter and I bought I swear $100.00 worth of food and drinks (dippin dots were like $8.00)
There were a couple of t-shirts I just had to have
there is always this weird stuff the kid has to have (necklace-candle-something very un-CPish)
Although I cant give you an exact amount I can tell you that I had over $75.00/cash with me
I cashed a check there at CP for $100.00
I used credit card for hotel
then whipped out the Discover for the trinkets-
other CP stuff I just had to have and of course all the stuff for my daughter
we stopped at Meijers on way back to hotel-bought the necessities and some more munchies there-
Discover Card again
had like $30.00 cash left for trip back home the next day
tons of credit card receipts
and my Discover Card was still warm
Cheapest trip:
$7.00 tankful of gas
$6.00 to park
that was it!!!
someone else bought the tickets
I had a cooler FULL of food and Dew
and I was set for the day!
I was so proud of myself
of course by this time I already had EVERY CP shirt I could ever want so dodging the gift shops was easy-this year will be hard!!
This year I am hoping for more "cheap" trips-
I will have a parking pass this year-so that'll save me the $6.00-season pass saves me the admission-unfortunitely it will cost me at least
$28.00 to fill up my truck and I am not sure if it will make it on one tankful there and back -
so my cheapest trip this year will be at least
$30.00 just for gas.
I am so missin my Hyundai!!
Ok-so there was my most expensive/cheapest trips
lets hear some more!!!

Welcome back Raptor riders-how was your flight??
I have a question about buying all of those drinks. Why didn't you just get free refreshing ice water from the food stands?
Or fill up 20oz bottles at the water fountains.
There have been days were I would spend no more than $5 the entire day, not counting gas. Then there are the days in the past were I would bring a girl and I would pay for eveything, food, drinks, their admission, and Ripcord so days like that add up quickly. On an average visit where I don't buy any souviners I spend around 10-15 bucks, not coutning gas.

daniel j. haverlock
'99 Magnum Count: 801
One day last year, I spent absolutely nothing. Nada. Zero. Zip. Season passes for both myself and my car covered all admission costs, and a cooler filled with subs, Cokes, and chips took care of the rest. The urge was great, but I resisted playing Fascination, too (since I don't like playing when there are more than 30 people). A round-trip took about 3/4 of a tank, or around $9, if you want to include that.

However, this was, as many of my trips are now that I've had season passes for the past few years, only a half-day trip--arriving around 2 PM and staying to maybe 10 or so. On full-day trips, I will end up spending at least $15 in the park itself (which I don't mind spending all that much since the season pass will have gotten me in "for free" (as it were)).

The most? Over $600 in a single day--BUT this included all kinds of season passes for the next year for myself and various family members who couldn't come out and buy their own, as well as one of the videos to tide me through the winter, a copy of "CP : the queen of American Watering Places", and a Christmas present or two (or three), and all food and drinks (since I was entirely too lazy to go out the night before and buy the subs like I usually do).


"Thank you for riding [fill in name of ride], and enjoy the rest of your day here at [fill in name of park]."
Now I feel like a real idiot. I don't have an exact number but in 1996 me and my wife drove from west PA stayed 4 days in Sandcastle, bought season passes and played games like they were going out of style because of all the time we had. All in all, if I remember correctly, it was about $700-800.

Am I a sucker or what!? :)

Oh, you said ONE day. Well we did buy the passes and pay for the room on day one so the total would still be pretty high.

*** This post was edited by lordgonchar on 4/10/2000. ***
Last year least expensive was 6 bucks for parking. (I probably went between 15-25 times at the end of last year after work, 6 bucks each time. I had to ride Raptor) Don't remember most expensive. This year if you don't count gas my least expensive will be 0. got my parking and season pass.

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!! *** This post was edited by Hooper on 4/10/2000. ***
After reading my post I have quickly realized my most expensive trip (in this case trips to CP) paying the parking fee around 20 times. :)

Welcome back Millennium Force riders...We all want to know how was your RIDE!!!!!
8.00 dollars for dippin dots...geez
Most: approx. $400.
Least: $0. Tickets were free, I rode up with someone else and I didn't eat or drink anything.
I only spent 8 dollars one time.

Pete's avatar
The most for me was around $1,500, including spending a few days at the Hotel Breakers (Breakers East Suite), dinner, drinks, games. It adds up quick.
I realize the food can get expensive, but man, those fries are so hard to resist :)
Also, last year, didn't they up the price on vending machines $.50 mid-season. I remember going and they were $2.00. One week later, they were $2.50.

"the Force of the new Millennium will be felt by those who choose to seek it."

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