That S.O.B.!!!!!!!!!!

Just thought I would let all you CP people know that Son of the Beast, doesnt have anything on Cedar Point, (as we all knew anyway) we went there Saturday to ride this thing, saw it run once, and when we came back in the park from lunch, an ambualance car drove in the park. And from that moment on S.O.B. never ran the rest of the day!! Dont know if the ambulance had anything to do with S.O.B. or not but seemed weird! From what I heard, this thing shakes people to death! So once again CP proves, no one can out do them!!

The more you ride it, the more you want it!

Jeff's avatar
I was there as well that day and it was so not cool. If you're interested, there are several threads on the subject on, in both the general and TR forums.

Webmaster/Guide to The Point
"And he says 'I'm goin' crazy up there at the lake...'"

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